- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

How to see "Wealth" from you Destiny Chart 算财八法

1. 财氣不用多,貴在透干,有護和有根。

2. 财氣在年, 袓上富,. 财氣在月,出身富,. 财氣在日,配偶富,. 财氣在時,晚年富。

3. 财氣透干, 必須有護. 若見鄰干耗剋,财至不留。

4. 财氣在地支或地支餘氣而不透, 小康尚可, 大發無緣。

5. 财氣要歲運相催才發, 如無不會發。

6. 财氣歲運透干, 地支有根, 必發., 根強發得大, 根弱發得小., 會局發得最大, 半局次之, 六合又次之。

7. 财氣大運, 管發十年。, 财氣流年, 只發一年。

8. 财氣透干, 憑坐下地支的生剋耗泄, 斷其吉凶和級數。

1. “Wealth” stars must appear at the stem level, have support and have strong root.

2. "Wealth” stars at Year pillar, indicate that your ancestor is rich; at Month pillar, one come from a wealthy family; at Day pillar wife is wealthy and at Hour pillar, enjoy wealth at old age.

3. "Wealth" stars if being exhausted or suppressed by neighbouring stars, wealth comes and goes.

4. "Wealth" stars if only appear at branches level (main and hidden) and not at stem level, one can only be consider relatively well-off but not very rich.

5. "Wealth" stars must get induced from decade or year luck before one can be wealthy.

6. "Wealth" stars at decade and year luck and appear at the stems level, one sure will get wealthy. The stronger the root (branches) the wealthier and richer you become.

7. "Wealth" stars at decade luck, wealthy for 10 years and "wealth" at yearly luck only for that particular year.

8. "Wealth" stars at stems level, use branches' grow, suppress, exhaust, combination and transformation for further reading.

Reading 1.

Mr. Dong Jian hua 董建华

"Wealth" at the stem level, have support and strong roots.

Reading 2.

Mr. Nicholas Tse 謝霆鋒

"Wealth" at the stem level with strong roots. Have strong support from the decade lucks.

Now you will have to plot your own destiny chart and see for yourself at
Destiny chart BaZi - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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