- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Day Master (Bazi)

Member since 19/3/2011

Dear Master ,

i was born in 28-1-55 at 1.45 am. I was wondering  whether my DM is strong or weak? Base on month season Earth is weak but there is to many earth element in my bazi. ."Good bazi is about balance in 5 element ".I should'nt need more earth or fire to make my DM strong as explained by other site.I hope Master can help me with my bazi to confirm my DM's position, and your kind explaination , I think this may help a lot of people out there that might face the same issue on and off.

thank you in advance

Master Peter

Yours is Strong DM. It is not necessary to have all the five elements in the Bazi in order to be good. Even if you have all the elements it still depends on the position of the stars/deities, the correct decade deities plus the  yearly deities. There are many rich and famous having only 3 elements but all the elemnts is in producive cycle and all are good deities.

In your case your dood deities is all hidden and belong to branch which means that you need decade or year to induce your luck. Or you need a year where month stem DIng combine  with  Ren and tranform into your good element eg 1982.


* Amended on 28/4/2011 at 21:09pm

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Feng Shui
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