- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Travel from North America to Asia

train hoho2 28/6/2009 
Hi Master Peter,

I want to travel to Asia this summer. I would like to know if there is anything I should consider or pay attention when I arrange this trip.
Please advise.

Best regards,

Train hoho2

Master Peter

just use my almanac to select a good date for start travelling.

train hoho2

Dear Master Peter,

Thanks for your reply.
How about the returning day? Do we need to select a good date to return from Asia?
Is a fair day counted as "good day"?


Train hoho2

train hoho2

Hi Master Peter,

Except the above questions, I have some confusion when I use almanac. Would you please clarify?
I usually pick up the date that is marked with red and yellow dots because red day is excellent and while the yellow day is auspicious date.  However, I am bothered by the day of name. For example, some dates with red dot are depicted with "danger day, " or "destruct day". i.e. July 8. Some dates with grey dot (inauspicious date) are depicted with "open day, " or "initiate day, " which seem good days. i.e. July 23 or July 5.
Do we need to look at the name of the date or do we just need to look if it is excellent (red dot) or auspicious (yellow dot) date?
What about a date with green dot (fair day), is it ok to travel that day?
By the way, Chine Lunar July is avoided to do anything because of traditional ghost month. Is it ok to travel during this time period?

Thanks and best regards,
Train hoho2
* Amended on 1/7/2009 at 13:49pm

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