- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Priorty on FS application

train hoho2 17/6/2009 
Dear Master Peter,

I just started paying FS around my house. I read some basic books. I started cure or enhancement based on house period flying stars, yearly star, and monthly star. What is priority? Will they conflict one and another when we apply all the above 3 different stars at the same time?
For example, my center is M8/W6/Yearly9.
I placed 8 stones to enhance relationship and health, lucky bamboo and plant with large leafs for 9 celebration (for career and baby), and I will see what need to move and add each month according to monthly star? I place a round crystal in the middle. Is crystal useful or harm in this sector? I heard that sometimes it is better to open the center so nothing should be there. Is that correct?
Based on my cure placement,  Is there any need to move or add?

Thanks for help.


Train hoho2

Master Peter


Don't be so greedy. Focus on what you want and do accordingly.


train hoho2

Hi Master Peter,

Thanks for your advice.
1. I would like to have good health and wish to have a baby. I believe both should be one thing. How should I do is best to have a baby. I have married for more than 5 years but have not any news yet.  Are there any fs could help with this?

2. Should we always impose cure (for bad stars or combination) prior to what we need in a sector? For example, if the sector  has 2/3 and 1/4. Should we cure for 2/3 before even thinking to enhance 1/4 as the old saying "沒事就是好事". Do you think so?

Train hoho2

* Amended on 19/6/2009 at 14:02pm

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