- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

enhance career

train hoho2 10/6/2009 
Hi Master Peter,

Star 4 is good in academic and study. To enhance career, it must have 1 and 4 combination. So if the sector is yearly 4 and has all combination but 1/4, can we still just enhance star 4 with lucky bamboos to enhance career. Is good in academic thought to be good in career too?

You mentioned that we have to have 1,4 combination to enhance career. According to 2009 yearly star, south is star 4 (wood) and Northwest is star 1 (water). We can see south and northwest already have wood and water respectively. Can we then put a glass of water in the south and lucky bamboos in northwest respectively to make 1, 4 combination in both location in order to enhance career. Is my logic right?

Thank you.

Train hoho2

Master Peter


train hoho2

Dear Master Peter,

Thanks for your confirming my points. I have another idea but don't know if it is right logic.
We want to have 1 and 4 combination to boost career. South is yearly 4 and Northwest is yearly 1. Could we place items to make both grids (sectors) have 1,4 combination? The placement is like below:
1. South - enhance with a glass of water and lucky bamboo (best with bamboo in water)
2. Northwest - enhance with a glass of water and lucky bamboo (best with bamboo in water)
Can we enhance both sectors with the above placement as long as it won't conflict monthly star?

Please confirm.


Train hoho2

* Amended on 17/6/2009 at 13:30pm

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