- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Front door view and paving color for yards (Feng Shui)

Member since 30/1/2013

Hi Master Peter,

I am trying to grow a tree as a screen for my house but I wonder is that ok to see a tree once I open the front door? For your information, my front yard is long and the tree I plan to grow is next to public sidewalk so the tree won't be very close to my front door entry, although I can see it once open the front entry. It is about 50 feet away from my front door but I can see the tree when I open the door. Is that ok to grow tree here?  Will it affect household luck and career?

Also, is there any specific color of paving bricks or guideline we shouldn't or should have for front yard or back yard? I think to have cream/tan/brown combination color for front yard and tan/red/charcoal combination color for back yard ?

Thank you for your idea and advice.


Peter Yap

It is bad if once you open your front door, i see the tree trunk directly in front of you. The degree of damage will then depend on distance and the size of the tree.

You can use the combination that you have mentioned but for tan/red/charcoal, try to put in some green.



Hi Master Peter,

Thanks for your advice.

I think I would see the tree if I plant as I described on my question. The tree will be medium size initially. I sent a photography marked with where the front door is and where is the planter that I plan to plant the tree. Then you can examine for me again, though most likely the tree is not good to be there as your advice. It is sent to your email box. If can't be a tree in that planter position, can I grow bushes or small plants or flowers instead.

I have been busy and forgotten to check your blog till this afternoon cause the contractor started from last Monday. So, I didn't use some green paving stones for my backyard which is tan/red/charcoal. How to I fix? I do have 3 circle planters on backyard to grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers. There would be trees surrounding the whole backyard (square shape). Can I know why need to have green stones for this combination?

Although I am too late to add the green color, your advice is very important. Thank you.

Best regards,


Peter Yap

Grow some bushes or small plants or flowers instead.



Dear Master Peter,

Thank you for your advice.  I will plant some bushes, or small plants or flowers as your advice.

Best regards,

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Feng Shui
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