- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Land shape n house number (Feng Shui)

Christiana Gouw
Member since 31/1/2012

 Dear Master Peter,

I had trouble to open your web for the last 2 weeks, finally got it done fine.

I wanna ask you some questions regarding buying land:

1. Land should be in straight line, same size - length, wide? 

2. Better with the back bigger than the front?

3. If the back is smaller, and having sharp point in one corner, is it bad? 

4. House number 13 and some with ending 4 is bad?

Thanks master. :-)





Peter Yap

Land should be is proper rectangle shape, need not to be really square can be longer in depth as compare to width but cannot be too depth. Too wide against the depth is not good for health. Wider at the back is good (but not too wide), front narrow will make it hard to make money and you will have health issues. Back should not be smaller and not good to have sharp corner or irregular shape.

The above applied to land and if you have no choice but already bought the land, then you must build your house according to the above. External factors like mountain, road, tall building … are also very important when choosing a land or property.

About the number 13 is only bring physiologically affects. Actually 13 is good in term of Feng Shui. If you keep thinking it is bad than it will be bad. Same as 4 so in order to have this mental thinking many will try to avoid them. You will also feel bad when others ask why you wanted to stay at a house no 4 and when it happens too often you will than feel bad and under pressure. 



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