- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui Feng shui

Clashes and resolutions

There are different kinds of clashes; construction, formal energy (Qi), smell, brightness, noise, magnetic, color, and calculation clashes.

There are 5 different ways to resolve these clashes

1. Cover -- Cover up the clashes so that the you do not see the clashes.

2. Block -- Block the clashes qi energy by using screen, divider or plant.

3. Dissipate -- Dissipate ths clasehs with the 5 elements.

4. Fight -- fight the energy using auspicious Chinese figures for example unicorn or lion, 3-prong forks, wok or 8-trigram mirrors. You may use others depending on its nature.

5. Avoid -- Move away to other places to avoid the clashes.

Resolving clashes is very important in Feng Shui. Using the right method can actually turn the clashes around in your favor and thereby bringing more advantages to yourself.

1. Formal clashes

These are all the clashes caused by physical material, such as door facing a long narrow alley, flyovers with heavy traffic, sharp corners of buildings, narrow gaps between building and malls and so on.


The easiest is to block the energy flow from its source. For example you can use a plant to block the energy flow through a long narrow alley.

2. Construction clashes

Among all the clashes, construction is the most severe. Construction works include building construction, road repair, exterior and interior wall maintenance and so on.

These clashes induce distubance and emotional unrest, and they can cause body injury and even loss of life.

The strength depends on the scale of the construction and the area involved.The larger the scale the more crucial it becomes. If negative star like Tai Sui, Er Hei, Sam Sha or Wu Huang of the year flies in the same direction as the construction, the effect will be worst. These may lead to persistent sicknesses, serious injuries, surgical operation and even deaths.

Minor construction such as interior decoration or wall maintenance may induce minor health problems like skin allergy and respiratory discomfort.

To resolve this negative energy, most Feng Shui masters will make use of an auspicious animal figures, a plant, a mirror and etc. Yet, none of them is a thorough resolution.


Use the 5 elements arrangement.

Wood - any plant
Fire - any red object
Earth - any stone
Metal - any metal object creating a sound, such as windchime.
Water - tap water. Do not use distilled waters.

If you do not know the direction of the clash, arrange the object as below in a circle and facing the construction site.

3. Energy (Qi) clashes

These clashes are similar to formal clashes in some ways, but formal clashes induce bad luck by the form and shape of an object while energy clashes are caused by the strong aerodynamics flow of energy. This is normally a overactive Yang energy in the form of sharp corner or heavy traffic. A house is in this type of clashes when a fast moving yang energy comes rushing in.


1. Covering -- use a curtain or reflective tinted glass or close the windows suffering from the energy.

2. Blocking -- use a spine-leafed plant such as cactus, tall plant or some tap water.

3. Fighting -- use a convex mirror, a 3-prong fork or an auspicious animal figure.

However, the best way is to turn the energy around for your own use. However, this method is a bit complicated and it requires some basic Feng Shui knowledge to implement it.

4. Smell clashes

This refer to all unpleasent smell, such as garbage smell. However, smell clashes were not easily resovled in the ancient times. Fortunately, as we are all living in an modern society, we can use the dehumidifier when there is a mouldy smell and switch on the air-conditioners to shut away the garbage smell.

5. Bright clashes

This clashes have effect on our human brain.

Bright illumination tend to make people tense and nervous. In the office this is alright as it improves productivity. At home, we prefer dim and soft light to make people feel comfortable and relax. The only solution is to block off the light by using curtains.

6. Noise

The effect of noise can be quite disastrous. Minor effets include inability to focus and work effectively; and more serious cases include quarrels, fights, mental disorder and so on. Unfortunately, besides building a soundproof barrier there is nothing much you can do.

7. Electromagnetic clashes

Feng shui is mainly a subject of study on the effects of magnetics field on people.

8. Color clashes

A space with too much Yang or too much Yin energy will bring bad results. Bright red is most Yang and black is most Yin.

A hosue with too much red make a family feels tense while with too much black make teh residents lazy. An office with too much black brings poor money luck to the owner.

9. Calculation clashes (LI QI clashes)

There are 2 main streams.

One is the 9 stars from the Flying Stars -- Star 1, the nobility star, Star 2, the sickness star, Star 3 the argument star and so on.

The other stream invovles the interior setup. For example, the number of windows, steps and light bulbs should be odd numbers for the good luck. Yes, I personally do not think this calculation is reasonable and I would not recommend it.

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