- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

2011 feng shui flying star chart decoded.
Xin-Mao 辛卯 year of the Rabbit.  
Validity from 04/02/2011 to 03/02/2012.

#1 Romance white star 一白桃华位 situated at the Northeast. Water element.

Your relationship with others is good, fame is there, and prosperity will happen. This will benefit those in sales and your bottom line will be fatter. It will brings career luck in promotions and recognition (Water element) Couple will web soon. However, married couples should avoid illicit affairs to avoid ruining your family life. Put a "cup of water" in order to enhance relatioship and if you want to go further in a relationship add an extra "mechanical music box and turn it on a few times in a day".

#2 Illness black star 二黑小病位 in the South. Earth element.

The sickness star reigns in the south rendering porr health. Take good loving care of the elderly, and children. Take note of heart, lungs, throat, disgetive, chest and blood circulation problems. This is true especially for woman. If your kitchen is situated at the south, the problem might become more severe. Always seek early treatment. Suppress the effect by putting a "mechanical music box and turn it on a few times in a day".

#3 Dispute blue star 3 三碧争斗星 in the North. Wood element.

This star always like to stir up disputes, conjure gossips, create contradiction, quarrels, verbal assaults, hostilities, negative encounters, lawsuits and court case It can also mislead people and lose concentration thus making the wrong move. Scandalous words entangle you, as well as the disputes with others causing you much headache. Severe enough might cause lawsuit. Vile people might try to stand in your way. Avoids gossip circles and keep your important documents secured. Be sharp to discern people as conmen are everywhere. To suppress the energy put "1 to 2 pink enevelops".

#4 Scholastic green star 四绿文昌星 in the Southwest. Wood element.

This bring excellence out of everyone in terms of academics. If the students are diligent, being among the top is no questions at all. Those at work will find new ideas, solutions to problems and propositions flow from their mind readily. If the #1 star amalgamate with #4 star, there will bound be academic excellence and is favorable for cultural arts. Many consider this star is favorable for bringing in mentorship and guidance. Politicians and scholars are fond and pay full respect for it. To enhance put "4 lucky bamboos".

#5 Fearsome five yellow star 五黄凶神 位 in the East. Earth element.

This is an unauspicious deities. One will face accidents, loses, serious illness, obstacles at work and others difficulties. This is true especially for man and problems with lung, bones and respiratory systems.
Put "a cup of water" and mechanical music box and turn it on a few times in a day.

#6 Nobility white star 六白贵神 武曲星 at the Southeast. Metal element.

This is a longevity and lucky star which is helpful to those working outstation, and those who wish to migrate or switch job. Noble person will be there to assist you. Work environment is smooth and there will be promotion opportunity and rise in authority. To enhance just put "a cup of water".

#7 robbery red star 七赤劫神破军星 at the center. Metal element.

The #7 Burglary flying star flies into the center of the home in 2011. This inauspicious star brings lies, defeat, losses and violence. Losses that occur usually come from robbery, fierce competitors, theft and power abuse from others. Everyone in the household will be affected and at risk. If you have a door or window at this sector, make sure you double locked it. The 7- Flying star influence in 2011 will degrade your money luck. So, print out the chart and map out the center location of this belligerent number 7. Suppress the bad energy of this star with a "a cup of water". This is simple rights.

#8 wealth white star, 左铺才星 at the Northwest. Earth element.

This is a top notch wealth star that brings great wealth luck, and abundant inflow of wealth. It is thus favorable for career oppurtunity, pay rises and investments gains. This star bring fame, reputation, official position and gains. It is also good for property luck. Enhance by putting just "a cup of water".

#9 Celebration purple star 右弼喜星 at the West. Fire element.

It can initiate joyous occasions such as marriage, having babies, promotions, fame and pay rise. Wealth come from all sources and there is eminent aid. Favorable to construction sector and property buying. Students are more diligent in their study, and will bring home good results. Couples are very loving and blissful and thus there will be wedding bells soon.Romance is sprouting everywhere, so for singles you can easily acquaint with others. To enhance put "a lively plant" and if you want to get married add "nine rea flowers". It can also be enhanced by keeping this sector brightly lit.

South East South South West
Military 武曲星

Put a glass of water.
Sickness 小病位

Put a mechanical music box. Turn on 2-3 times a day
Academic 文昌星

4 lucky bamboo.
East West
Fatal illness 大病位

Put a mechanical music box. Turn on 2-3 times a day Put a glass of water.
Robbery 破军星

Put a glass of water.
Celebration 右弼喜星

Put a plant. Large round leaf if possible. 9 red flowers.
North East North North West
Romance 桃华位

Put a mechanical music box. Turn on 2-3 times a day Put a glass of water.
Dispute 争斗星

Put 1-2 pink packets.
Wealth 左铺才星

Put a glass of water.

Tai Sui, 太岁位

This year Tai Sui, 太岁位,"God of the year" housed in the East corresponding from East 82.5° to 97.5° which is the home location of the Rabbit. (2011 Year of the Rabbit).

  • Do not disturb the ground of this area.

  • If you confront Tai Sui, you will experience defeat; demotion, loss and any venture will be met with obstacles. Instead, sit with your back to the North East and he will support you. Avoidance is the best cure.

  • Sit with the Tai Sui behind you in any business negotiation. And make the other party confront the Tai Sui which will assist you.

  • Place a pair of Pi Yao in this sector to pacify the sha qi of Tai Sui.

  • If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs in this sector, place a six hollow metal rod wind chime between the building and where the work is being carried out and if possible get advice from a professional Practitioner and to select an auspicious date to start the work.

  • Tai Sui conflict or Sui Po sector 太岁冲 or 岁破

    The Tai Sui conflict or Sui Po sector 太岁冲 or 岁破, is the sector opposite Tai Sui which is West 262.5° - 277.5°. Rabbit and Rooster clashes.

  • You should treat this area the same as the other annual afflictions with no groundbreaking work, renovations or any noisy activities. If disturbed this area can and normally will cause immediate health problems especially for the elderly so please be very careful.

  • If you have to carry out work or emergency repairs, start from left or right from this sector and ends at this sector.

  • Year 3 killing, 年三煞

    Year 3 killing, 年三煞 sector is at the West sector.

  • caution is not to disturb the ground where the Three Killings sits. Everyone should pay attention to this especially if the house faces this same direction. If the location of the Three Killings is disturbed by noisy renovation or digging activities, there may be unwanted consequences for the residents involving illness, loss of wealth, accidents, back-stabbing, injury and, in extreme cases, fatalities and etc.

  • Frequently using front doors that sits at The Three Killings' direction in any given year are considered a disturbance due to the opening and closing of the door. Care should be taken to avoid slamming of doors especially with youngsters around the house.

  • If you are moving your desk around this year, never sit with your back to this direction (West). You should face or confront the 3 killings.

  • Place 3 Qi Lin in this sector to pacify the sha qi of 3 killings just inside the door facing out.

  • Monthly 3 killing 月三煞

    Monthly 3 killing 月三煞 sectors depends on the months you are in. For the months (these are all lunar months according to chinese calendar)

    Lunar month 1, 5, 9 at the West sector,
    Lunar month 2, 6, 10 at the East sector,
    Lunar month 3, 7, 11 at the South sector, and
    Lunar month 4, 8, 12 at the North sector.

    PLEASE USE OUR Monthly Flying Star Feng Shui arrangement to check the actual dates for the months shown above.

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