- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Feng Shui enhancements
Earn more money and prosperity in the year 2011. 催财局
This is a feng shui's wealth generate enhancement. It will increase your money luck. Put up the following wealth feng shui arrangement. It works for the year 2011 in both chinese calendar and lunar calendar...
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Enhance relationship luck : Feng Shui for relationship in 2011. 催人缘局
No matter if you are single and looking for that special someone or working person that need more luck in communication - here you can use this Feng Shui arrangement to enhance your luck. Arrange this feng shui arrangement to enhance..
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Feng Shui arrangement for career growth in 2011. 催考试局
Aim to get promoted this year? Try out this Feng Shui arrangement which will enhance..
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Achieve academic excellence : Feng Shui for academic in 2011. 催文昌局
Put up the following feng shui arrangement to achieve academic execellence. Put up the elements in those sectors indicated.
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Having health problems? 催丁局
This will help enhancing your health and start creating a healthy feng shui home today! Feng Shui has a variety of effective feng shui cures to improve your health and well-being and below is an easy and practical one.
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Business boom in the year 2011 催生意局
Put up the following feng shui enhancement to invite more businesses. This will increase your changes to get new orders or contract. At the same time collecting money is more favorable.
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More romance in 2011. 催桃花局
Make this feng shui arrangement to enhance your romance luck.
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Want to have more to celebrate this year : Feng Shui for celebration in 2011. 催喜慶局
You will have more to celebrate with this arrangement. This is especially true for marriage and to enhance love fate.
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Suppress gossip and less disputes in 2011. 化闲话局
This will suppress any gossips that might arise.
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Resist illness : Feng Shui to avoid illness in 2011. 化病局
This will increase protection against sickness.
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Happy fate : Feng Shui for happy fate in 2011. 催姻缘局
Make this feng shui arrangement to enhance love fate luck.
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2011 feng shui flying star chart decoded.
Xin-Mao 辛卯 year of the Rabbit.  

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Clashes and resolutions 
There are different kinds of clashes; construction, formal energy (Qi), smell, brightness, noise, magnetic, color, and calculation clashes. There are 5 different ways to resolve these clashes ie. cover, block, dissipate, fight and avoid. Using the right method can turn the energy to work on your side...
Read on - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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