- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Wife beater and their BaZi.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009


For their BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny is it possible to see whether a man is prone to violence and will beat up his wife and create violence?

This is a very interesting question but very complicated. Nothing is simple and nothing straightforward when come to people’s personality. Wife beater will have a kind of BaZi that indicates they will beat up this wife. However wife beater or not to some extent will also depend of one country’s legal system. For example, Singapore’s government takes domestic violence very seriously and the sentence for wife beater once found guilty is jail sentence. So in Singapore husbands will not beats up their wives even when their BaZi show that they may. Another important factor is education and social class. The funny part is and for generally speaking, working class husbands are more likely to beat up their wives.

To figure out if a man will beat up his wife or not, you need to check which stars affect personality negatively. Man with too many "Friends" Bi-jian 比肩 (比) is likely to be an ass (selfish, stubborn) is one. Man with too many "Hurting officer" Shang-guan 伤官 (伤) is another. Man with too many "7 killings" Qi-sha 七杀 (杀) with no control is prone to violence too, not only just beating up wife. Man with only "7 killings" Qi-sha 七杀 (杀) and "Hurting officer" Shang-guan 伤官 (伤) is another. Of course one very important point is the above stars must be the person negative star or from good turn bad in certain year and/or during certain Ta Yun (大运 ) the 10 years luck cycle.

You must also need to look at wife’s chart– chart with"Direct officer" Zheng-guan 正官 (官) and "7 killings" Qi-sha 七杀 (杀), the authority stars are “mixing up” and “unfavorable” , she is likely to be bully and humiliated by man. A lady chart also will determine is she will be beaten of not. Certain female chart will attract a certain kind or specific type of man. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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