- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Underground culvert

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


“I have been staying in my house a very long time. My house faces an underground culvert which a drain or pipe that allows water to flow under the road into a nearby river. I have read about your article about “money being siphoned off”. Is mine the same case?”.

“During this duration, our money seem to be hardly earn but easily goes in many cases. I have been staying here for almost 30 some years. Almost all the occupants always seem to miss a number here or there in the 4D or 1+3D.”

In reality or to be destined, some lucky people are blessed and bestowed with what we called “gambling luck” but not many of us. Otherwise, if everyone were to win all the time; who will then lose?; it would be a calamity for the casinos and others who livelihood depends on the avenue for gambling.

Even I assumed that you and your family are blessed with the gambling luck, if your fengshui when bad and dragging you down you still have a big problem to solve. When you have an underground culvert draining off water which signifies money being siphoned away, and this could be one reason you and your family always seem to “miss one D” in the 4D draw.

If your house number is “6”, many believe this will compound by the presence of the underground culvert and it will be easier for your money to roll away. The number “6” sounds like rolling.

It is not easy to rectify this problem. You cannot alter the direction of the culvert, or seal it up. Therefore the best solution is still one word “move”. If you cannot move out, then you should consult a geomancer near you who will be able to survey the site and recommend something usable.

Of course, this might be one of the reasons. It can be others reason; it can be your others external environment or internal fengshui; it can be your life you BaZi Four Pillar of Destiny or your current Ta Yun. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
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