- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

The six relations and their BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny.

Friday, 31 July 2009


When come to understanding family relationship problems, one of the most difficult matters to confront with respect to family relationships is that you don’t control the entire relationship yourself. Whether the relationship thrives or withers isn’t up to you alone.

When major family relationship problems are faced, it’s common to attempt a control strategy. You try to get the other family member or members to change. Sometimes it works, many times it just leads to frustration.

Have you ever wonder that the problem is an internal issue instead of an external one, and then the solution will take the form of an expansion of your awareness and/or a change in your beliefs and the most important is your personality. An internal way of viewing relationship problems is that they reflect back onto youself as part of yourself that you dislike. If you have a negative external relationship problem, it’s a reflection of a conflict in your own thinking. As long as you keep looking outside from yourself for the answer, you may never resolve the problem. But once you start looking inside yourself for the problem, it may become easier to solve.

In Chinese we refer all these relationship as "Liu Qin 六亲", the six relationship with grandparents,parents, spouse, siblings, children, and grand children.

Have you ever met with someone maybe your firend or your colleague and they told you that they are always having relationship problems with their wife or with their parents or with their chidlren or even to the extent of having the same problems with all their next of kin? The cause can be environmental, their own personality or because of the the timing.

Now the question is, if you can choose, do you want to avoid all these problems? Can this be interpreted from our BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny?

Now let see an example. She was born 2 July 2004.

Her grandmother once said that if she being given a choice, she will never choose this day for her granddaughter. Now let see what are the reasons that make her grandmother said those words.

Bazi - four pillars of destiny relationship problems
Chart 1. Her BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny chart.

About her chart.

1. She has a strong wealth chart. When meet with strong wealth "Ta Yun", she will make a lot of money.

So what are the actual problems?

Bazi - four pillars of destiny relationship problems
Chart 2. Her nine "10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun") chart.

About her "10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun") chart.

1. The first two "Ta Yun" in her BaZi are both printed in blue. Both are not so good "Ta Yun".

2. She has twenty years of strong wealth luck. She is going to make a lot of money during this period of time.

So why her grandmother said that if she being given a chance she would rather select another day?

Her major problems lie within her branches self-penalties (自刑) “zi xing”; the horses branch at the hour,day and month pillars. The truth is, her entire life is more shaky and unsteady as compare to most of us.

Her relationship with her parants, spouse and children will be bad. In any rat, horse, tiger, dog and ram years will be a rocky years for her.

If She have all the money in this world but without love and stability, and given a chance would She rather choose another day?

Her mother's doctor actually had selected the date for her daughter's Caesarian Birth. So why as parents, they did not choose another day? Not believing in destiny? Cannot find a trusted and capable one to select a good BaZi? Of this is the heaven's wish 人算不如天算? - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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