- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

The ordinary housewife and their BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny.

Thursday, 22 July 2010


“I have been married for more than 40 years and am a mom of three boys and two girls. When I was young I worked for a shirt manufacturing factory, working long hours and was tiring. After married, I stayed at home, doing the entire ordinary housewife’s chores; cooking, cleaning, taking care of my children and husband. My husband works as teacher in one of the many primary schools. His paycheck is not huge but income is quite stable. My entire life, I do not face any major ups or downs. My entire life is quite stable. Even though my husband is not making a lot of money, we have enough to spend and we are not lacking of any main necessity. My family members are all living harmonious and we are very happy”

She is one of the examples of many ordinary wives.

Does their BaZi Four Pillars of destiny show any sign of an ordinary wife? Yes they do show and basically, it because of the money stars. Many do not have money stars or their money stars are very weak. Again “Money” or “财” is involved in here. IN Patt Chee or BaZi especially Chinese, the word “Money” or chai “财” always the priority.

Of course there are also many cases of housewives that have strong money stars and are even running their money 10 years luck cycle (大运 Ta Yun). So what is the explanation? They may be housewives but somehow they are not very ordinary. For example, they have maid(s) for them to command to do their day to day house works for them; they have a lot of money to spend; having shopping sprees a few times a month; and come back to the basic one work “Money” their husbands are rich.

Now take a look at her BaZi and Ta Yun

About her BaZi

Note: I am not showing her BaZi chart in order to protect her identity.

She is weak daymaster. She has 3 “Indirect resource 卩 ” at her hour, month and year stem. She does not have any wealth stars in her BaZi four pillar of destiny.

Bazi fengshui – ordinary wife
Chart 1. Her nine 10 years luck cycle (大运 Ta Yun)

About her Ta Yun

Now take a look at her Ta Yun

1. In her first four Ta Yun, there was no sign of strong or even average wealth stars.

2. In her first four Ta Yun, 9 out of 10 were printed in red which only means good auspicious stars. She did not have any major ups and downs and was quite stable.

3. Her wealth stars appears in her fifth Ta Yun, but combined and transformed into her money losing star.

4. Her wealth stars appears in her sixth Ta Yun, but sitting on her money losing star.

In her case, if she wanted to use fengshui to enhance her wealth luck, I am afraid any fengshui arranngements will not help much as there was no wealth stars around. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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