- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Split-level houses.

Monday, 5 March 2012


If you have a house that is built with a split level and there are a few steps from the main level descending to the next level, you might have heard some scary tales about “descent into hell”.

Well, in Feng Shui, under normal circumstances it is often considered not auspicious that a house be built on a split level where one enters at the main door and then has to descent to get to the rest of the house. This is seen as being a demotion and losing of wealth. If you are looking for new houses and does not want to regret in live, wealth and career, it is best to avoid these types of houses. It is best to choose a house with steps leading upward rather than down from the entrance level. The myth about “descend into hell” is purely nonsense created by some over imaginative mind; you can totally ignore this and do not get carried away or scare by it.

Split level houses or those with multiple or split or uneven floor levels are considered to be quite inauspicious or unfavourable from the FengShui point of view. The occupants of such houses where the floor has sudden or multiple changes can find themselves lacking self-confidence. They experience a general lack of flow or lack of smooth sailing in their lives.

They may find themselves often being interrupted and experiencing some form of fluctuation, the same way the Qi fluctuates because of the split or multiple levels in the floor.

Under these circumstances the quality of Qi is different at each of the multiple levels. It is best to avoid floors where some portion is sunken and some portions are elevated. Remedies or solution to this problem would depend on the circumstance of each case and there may not be any solution at all in some cases. The problem with split level houses is that the floor is even or at one level at one place but then it has an interruption or a break and it suddenly goes up or down. This disrupts the flow of energy in the space. This sudden change of path or level in the energies of the place affects the residents and occupants adversely.

Creating a harmony and continuity is necessary so that the Qi does not lose its inherent quality and behaves in a stable, harmony manner. Qi must be able to flow smoothly at all levels. The members of the family or occupants at the different levels must also feel connected. You could hang a number of drawing or pictures of identical shapes and sizes at an appropriate level across one of the walls touching the split-level to create a one-level feeling throughout the space. In addition to this, put up some lights can also help raise the Qi upwards and blend the energies of the different split floors. At the lower levels, large leaves healthy plants should be placed to create a harmony and stable environment. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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