- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Clash, punish into marriage palace and day pillar 剋刑日主

Monday, 29 March 2021


Day pillar represents us, day stem is called RiYuan 日元 or daymaster and day branch is our Spouse palace 夫妻宫 FuQi Gong. When day pillar being suppressed 剋 and clashed 沖 or punished 刑 it will be about us or our spouse. What is the different between clash 沖 or punish 刑?

In general, clash 沖 happen suddenly without any sign (e.g. car accident) and punish 刑 happen over a longer period of time (e.g. health issues). 剋沖日主 and 剋刑日主 can be equally bad and the degree of damage depend on other conditions which include your favorable Ten Gods XiShen 喜神 and Useful Ten Gods XiYongShen 喜用神.

Today let’s look at suppress Ke 剋 and punish Xing 刑 into day pillar 剋刑日主.


2002 壬午 RenWu year suppressed Ke 剋 and punished Xing 刑 (剋刑日主) into his 丙午 day pillar. This was about his health and since it involved his spouse palace this was also about his wife. Something bad was going to happen. One of them was not able to survive 2002. Now the question is who. Husband or wife? Can you see it? You will need to use Ten Gods 十神 Shi Shen. If you still cannot see it, you can ask under your Student Section.




The above basically mean that suppressed Ke 剋 always "heavier, move and stir' and punished Xing 刑 need to see if they being "moved, stirred". - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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