- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Money losing years from BaZi.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Everyone of us wants to make money, the more the better. When we are in our money making cycle "Ta Yun 大运" the 10 years luck cycle, we will make a lot more of money. However, can we be sure that our hard-earned wealth are going to stay and we will continue making money. There are many cases, many of us when we make a lot of money, we think that this is going to last forever. Never come across our mind and heart that may be one day we are going to lose all our money. If only we know when this is going to happen than we might be able to avoid this trap or money disaster.

If only he has his BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny life chart with all his 90 years luck printed and stuck on his wall, he would have knew what was going to happen.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny life chart is very useful to determine when we will make a lot of money and when we are suppose to lose all of them. Almost in every cases, first we will have money making Ta Yun when we will make tons of money than follow by another Ta Yun which make us lose all the money. The fact is we must be able to make our many pots of gold than only we have something to lose. Without the money making Ta Yun, there is not money losing year because we do not have money to lose. Often, the more you make the more you are going to lose. This is very cruel but this is the reality.

If you have your money making Ta Yun, it does not mean for 100 percent sure your next Ta Yun will be the money losing type. It can be a normal average 10 years luck cycle with ups and downs. In this secnario, most probably you will not lose all your money.

There are very few who are among the luckiest one who have a continous flow of money making Ta Yun. They will be very rich.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny will show you the correct timing. Are you saying that this can be avoided? Yes but not all can be avoided. If you can control the circumstances, yes you can. For example, if you know that you are going to lose money in 2012 therefore you should not invest in funds and/or stocks. Some circumstances like money spend for medical complication which you cannot avoid.

Now let take a look at our friend here. If he knew about his money losing Ta Yun, he can avoid losing more than 250 thousand in stocks investments.

fengshui Bazi - money losing years 破财运
Chart 1. His third and fourth "Ta Yun 大运" the 10 years luck cycle. The third Ta Yun let him made some money and the fourth Ta Yun took his money away.

About his third and fourth Ta Yun.

1. In his third Ta Yun, money star appear on top. This allowed him to make some money. I said "some" and not "a lot" because his money star is leaking from below through the Ta Yun's branch.

2. In his fourth Ta Yun, his supposed wealth star (the Ta Yun pillar stem) was combined and taken away after transformation. Money still came, stayed for a while not for long and vanished! And two more money losing stars were created from pillar branch after transformation. How can he not losing money? If only he knew he might be able to avoid losing his money.

Okay, he was going to lose money but when and in which years? To answer this, we will have to look at the 10 years in his fourth Ta Yun.

fengshui Bazi - money losing years 破财运
Chart 2. His 10 years in his fourth Ta Yun. 1998 and 2002 was his worst year. He lost more than 250K in investments

About his 10 years in hs fourth Ta Yun.

1. In 1998 with strong money losing stars, his luck with money was near zero. He lost about 150K in stocks.

1. In 2002, his supposed wealth star was again combined and transformed into another stars. With strong money losing stars, his money luck was gone. He lost another 100K.

If he knew that this two years were disaster years for him, do you think he will still make the wrong move? Do you think he can avoid losing money?

If only he has his BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny life chart with all his 90 years luck printed and stuck on his wall, he would have knew what was going to happen. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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