- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Marriage and Spouse palace.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009


The Spouse Palace is the Earthly Branch that is directly under the Day Master 日元. The star sitting at the spouse palace does not neccesary be the spouse stars. It can be any stars. Different stars will have different effects on our relationship with our spouse.

For all ladies, Zheng-guan 正官 and Qi-sha 七杀 are your spouse stars.
For all gentlemen, Zheng-cai 正财 and Pian-cai 偏财 are your spouse stars.

If your BaZi chart shows that you have more than one marriage or have multiple affairs, you still need the right time (Ta Yun and years) in order for that incidents to happen. If you do not have the right timing, it will not happened. And of course, if your chart has the symptoms, the chances for it to happen are much higher as compare to those without the indications.

"Your BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny is your masterplan and
your 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun") is your time-table."

The Spouse Palace shows the type of relationship the BaZi owner has with his/her spouse. It also tell you the quality of spouse you may have. It also show whether your relationship is good and harmony; stressful or unhappy.

The Spouse Palace should be intact and strong so that the palace is solid and stable. Any form of disturbance is not good. These include all the 5 types of Earthly Branch relationships:

a. Clash 地支六冲
b. Combination 地支六合, 三会, 三合, 半地支三合
c. Penalties 地支三刑 , 自刑
d. Destruction 地支六破
e. Harm 地支六害

And the most severe one are clashes, combinations and penalties.

And remember when reading BaZi always take into consideration both Stars and Palaces . For marriage and relationship always look at spouse palace and spouse stars. It is very wrong if you just concentrate on only spouse palace and ignore spouse stars or the vice-versa.

Now take an example. She was born on 21 December 1969.

 Bazi - Spouse palace 夫妻宮 fu qi gong and marriage
Chart 1. Her BaZi Four Pillar of Destiny chart.

About her chart.

1. More than one spouse stars. Knowing the opposite gender is not a problem.

2. Spouse palace has both "Penalties 刑" and "Clash 六冲". Her spouse palace is unstable and her relationship with her spouse is stressful.

 Bazi - Spouse palace 夫妻宮 fu qi gong and marriage
Chart 2. The year she signed her divorce papers.

1. 1996 "Fu Yin" her month pillar 伏吟月柱. "Fu Yin" means the pillar is exactly the same.

2. 1996 clashed with her Spouse Palace and earthly hour branch.

3. She was divorced in 1996.

4. In 1997, Spouse star appered. She has a new boyfriend.

BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny effects our whole life and 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun") and years effect our particular years. Even she remarry, the chances of separation is still high. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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