- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Feng Shui concept of the universe.

Sunday, 2 December 2007


During the ancient period, Chinese people belived their theories about nature based on the dualism of yin and yang. They believed that everything possessed a positive male bright side called the yang, but at the same time had a negative female dark side , known as yin. These aspects are complimentary and integrate with each other, and is believed that harmony can only be acheived with a balance between the two. This is cleary reflected in the Tai-Chi symbol showing the black and white sides of a circle merging into each other. Such a philosophy is fundamental to Chinese culture.

The next essential fundatmental of nature is that of the 5 basic elements. This belief that everything in the universe is composed by five basic forces or kinds of energy or Qi. These are symbolised by the five kinds of matter commonly found on earth, namely wood, fire, earth, metal and water.

The ancient meta physical theory of the elements proposed that all matter , material or abstract (including human beings and their fortunes), could be represented by such elements and are subject to their influence. From this belief developed two basic rules which goverened the interrelationship between the five elements. These rules are known as "The cycle of birth" and "The cycle of destruction". The concept of yin and yang and the two cycles of the five elements are considered the fundamental rules of nature and they appear in all Chinese metaphysical Feng Shui studies. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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