Feng Shui : Old maid house.
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
正宗现代姑婆屋. Susan's home was a 2 bedder apartment. She was staying with her younger sister. This house was one of the many worst Feng Shui that I have seen 衰到没人有! No Tao Hua 桃花, bad for money, always quarrel without apparent reasons, frequently sick and so on.
But her own luck was not very bad at least being look after by her lucky stars.
Bad No. 1.
Missing Tao Hua corner. I have seen many houses that were missing the Tao Hua corner, the ladies staying in these houses were really difficult to find their suitor – starting dating also find it hard.
This was also bad for her inter personal relationship with all the people around her.
Bad No. 2.
Her house was bad for health and money. 丁财两不旺.
Bad No. 3.
Kitchen was directly facing the toilet – clash between fire and water. This meant dispute quarrel, problems with kidney, bladder, urinary system, gynaecology disease, heart, blood and skin.
Bad No. 4.
Yearly affliction. She was having Fu xing [伏刑] which meant obstacles, confused, sick and accident.
Remedy Put a red cushion at her West sector. Put a cup of water at her North West. This will cure the bad effects of Fu xing [伏刑].