Feng Shui Networking Tips : the untold secret in Feng Shui
Monday, 17 December 2007
Always thinking you don't have time to network?
But you know the important of networking to get more things done more effeciently and at lower cost.
Having problem with your subordinates? One of your staff always making you angry?
Feng Shui has a variety of networking enhancers and tips.
Method 1
Find your friends or networking sector in your home. It changes every year and every month.
Normally it is sufficient to unlock the yearly sector.
Your networking star is Feng Shui flying star 1, Romance 桃华位 which is of water element.
In year 2009 it is at your North West sector of your home or office.
Just put a glass of water and a mechanical music box and turn it on a few times a day will do the tricks.
During year 2010 is at the West of your home or office.
This next placement is important in order to form a combination:
On top of above, put a glass of water at the South sector in 2009.
Method 2
I will used the 8 mansion method here and the sector will not change with time.
Step 1: You must use an accurate compass to find out your facing direction of your main entrance of your house.
Step 2: Use our feng shui calculator Click here and
determine the Liu Sha 六煞 Six Killings
Step 3: Make sure your toilet is not here and no missing sector
Step 4: Put some large leaf plant. And if your room is here and you sleeping here; Congratulation. You will have a lot of friends and
if you are a CEO, then you are much ease controlling your staffs.