- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Children education problems and their BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009


A person even though may be academically inclined or talented but might be forced to leave school prematurely. This could be due to a lackluster luck cycle or lack of moral or financial support from their parents.

BaZi or your Four Pillars of Destiny can reveal whether your child is academic inclined during his or her academic golden years. BaZi also can tell if your child has choosen the right education path and to shape his or her future career.

BaZi can also reveal the most appropriate period for a person wanting to know the right timing to pursue higher education missed earlier. However, ignorance of the existence of luck cycles in a person's life may cause him to make wrong move and may adversely change the course of his life..

During a lackluster period, you might find your child showing negative behavior or attitudes such as being quarrelsome, disinterest, restless, unsettled, uncommunicative and the loss of ability to concentrate in his or her studies. These factors can affect his studies and may cause him to drop out of school or college prematurely. This is the most crucial period of a teenager's life and this is considered a crossroad that can determine the direction of his future. Yoiu need to recognise that your child is going through such difficult luck period, then only you can encourage and provide him all the necessary supports to help him to persevere over this period. Once this period is over, everything will return to normal and he can continue his education and look forward for a brighter future.

If you are facing a child that just do not want to study and found out that during his education period, he do not have any education stars or all education stars are injured or dead, do not lose hope and be disheartened. He might have other talents like the example that I am about to show you.

She was born 10 October 1963

 Bazi - Children education
Chart 1. Her BaZi Four Pillar of Destiny chart. No inclination towards education.

About her chart.

1. She is a weak daymaster.

2. Her chart do not have any education stars.

 Bazi - Children education
Chart 2. Her first 10 years luck cycle (大运 "ta yun") is a disaster education period.

1. She did not have any inclination towards education until the age of 20. She just cannot concentrate on studies.

2. She was a dropout from school and was forced to work at early age. Her first ta yun is all printed in blue color.

3. Her education stars appeared at her second "Ta Yun" from the age of 21. But this luck is not for her education. If is for her talent. Instead of study she was more inclined towards other talents like singing and performing. She is making a lot of money not from her education but from her talent. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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