BaZi : Conan : 2nd. Ta Yun - Most useful Ten God being combined.
Monday, 25 March 2013
Now let's look at his 2nd. Ta Yun.
In his 2nd. Ta Yun, his most useful god which belongs to Wood was combined and became Earth. However, Wood appeared from below from this Ta Yun branch. The strength of Wood was weakening and Earth was stronger. This was not a disastrous Ta Yun. He will face more obstacles, emotional and confused in this Ta Yun.
In term of education, education stars were weaker than his last Ta Yun. He will have lesser interest in his study and his result will suffer. Was he able to complete his study? The answer lied with the years. He will face obstacles but yes he was able to complete his university degree.
In term of love, in his BaZi Fire is strong, Metal is weak and no protection. With stronger Earth, “love” will arrive. When? It lied with the years. In 1993 he was start dating.
In term of career, as Wood being suppressed, his performance was not appreciated and he was facing more obstacles especially from 1998 to 2001.
My next article will discuss about his 3rd. Ta Yun.
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