- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Auspicious & Inauspicious Charts (Part 1)

Tuesday, 28 August 2007


Auspicious Charts

Some special flying star charts override the inauspiciousness of the star combinations.

"Combination of 10" chart is a type of chart in which the sum of the numbers of the Period Star and Mountain Star(or Water Star) in all palaces adds up to 10. For instance, a Period Star of 4 and a Mountain Star of 6 add up to 10. This means the occupants will generally enjoy good health. A Time Star of 8 and Water Star 2 add up to 10 which generally means the occupants will enjoy good fortune/wealth.

Inuspicious Charts

The "Fu Yin Chart" refers to the flying start chart in which the yellow star 5 is in the central palace either as water or mountain star and follows the forward path. Below is an example of a Fu Yin chart. The yellow evil star 5 acts as the water/facing star and follows a forward path. It is said that occupants in this house will constantly have money problems and could even go into bankruptcy. In the case of the yellow star 5 acting as the mountain star, occupants in this house will constantly suffer from issues related to health.

The "Fan Yin Chart" refers to the flying start chart in which the yellow star 5 is in the central palace either as water or mountain star and follows the reversed path. Below is an example of a Fan Yin chart. Fan Yin is auspicious during the current time period the house is built. The house chart below is built in period 8 as indicated by the Period Star 8 at the central palace. Occupants in this house will enjoy good fortune during period 8. When the current period 8 is over, occupants in this house will encounter health and financial problems.

The "Imprisoned Current Period Star" refers to the flying start chart in which the current period star 8 (Timely Star) is in the central palace either as water or mountain star. Below is an example of an Imprisoned Timely Star chart. The water star 8 is located at the central palace. It is locked up at the center. It cannot become a water/facing star in any of the remaining palaces. In the current period 8, occupants in this house will encounter all sorts of financial problems. If the timely star 8 is locked up at the center as mountain star, occupants will suffer all sorts of issues related to health in period 8. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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