- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

2013 Peach blossom Tao Hua.

Monday, 4 February 2013


The Peach Blossom (Tao Hua) is generally used each year to determine your love luck for that year; singles to meet the other half, dating for many year will be getting marry, will there be third party affairs and so on. Such a year is also good for business dealing with people like entertainment business and glamorous business as “Flower of Romance” also means attraction to the opposite sex.

Dog will have "Hong Luan Tao Hua" Peach blossom 红鸾桃花.

This is a marriage star, a good Tao Hua, a true fated love and if you are pursuing of marriage you are in luck this year. For those are still single you have good opportunity to meet your true love. For married ladies and gentlemen beware of ex-marital affairs. You must try using this luck to increase business and relationship as “Flower of Romance” also means attraction to the opposite sex and you will be given more orders.


At your West sector put a mechanical music box and turn it on a few times a day.

Dragon will have "Tian Xi Tao Hua" Peach blossom 天喜桃花 .

Again this is a marriage star, a good Tao Hua, a true fated love but weaker than "Hong Luan" tao hua. You will find yourself more attractive, more cheerful and relationship with others is good. If you are pursuing of marriage you are in luck this year. For married ladies and gentlemen beware of ex-marital affairs.


At your West sector put a mechanical music box and turn it on a few times a day.

Horse will have "Xian Chi Tao Hua" Peach blossom 咸池桃花.

咸池(xian chi), salt pool is from the poetry 日出扶桑,入于咸池 ("ri chu fu sang, ru yu xian chi"). It means the sunrise from hibiscus, setting into the salt pool/pond. Ancients believed that the Fairy Queen Mother has a lot of young and beautiful maids/fairies, and the salt pool is designed as a fairy bathing place.

This star will tends to create short-term relationships and particularly true with someone you already known. For married ladies and gentlemen beware of ex-marital affairs.


At your North East and South West sectors put 8 white pebbles. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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