- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

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Nos. Forum Topics Question by Date Views
1 Is Crawly plants at the door bad fengshui?
wayneyap 6/6/2010 2594
2 Mistake?
wayneyap 20/12/2009 2320
3 Water FS at the door
wayneyap 7/12/2009 2312
4 Change stove change period
wayneyap 8/11/2009 2248
5 Where to place crystals
wayneyap 3/11/2009 2272
6 house is period 7 or 8 ?
wayneyap 25/10/2009 2050
7 Stove direction
wayneyap 19/10/2009 2179
8 Life gua using bazi
wayneyap 2/10/2009 2369
9 Stove in feng shui
wayneyap 26/8/2009 2267
10 Pagoda in front of main door and study room window
wayneyap 26/8/2009 1993
11 Any cure for Six killing located in toilet
wayneyap 25/8/2009 2234
12 Wu gui at main door.
wayneyap 13/8/2009 2300
13 Eldest son also the breadwinner to see East or NW?
wayneyap 13/8/2009 1878 - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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