- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

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Nos. Forum Topics Question by Date Views
1 Bathroom in the centre, but not the toilet (Feng Shui)
Ivy Deto 7/7/2023 1272
2 Is it possible next luck pillar is better (Feng Shui)
Wa 8/8/2022 1352
3 facing direction of a ground floor flat (Feng Shui) 16/1/2022 1397
4 Career advice (Feng Shui)
BluFlower 22/11/2021 1392
5 Bullying Punishment in 2021 (Feng Shui)
Steph123 29/3/2021 1919
6 Difficult colleagues (Feng Shui)
Heng HC 4/2/2020 1550
7 Feng shui arrangement (Feng Shui)
ves116 19/12/2016 1690
8 Goat Blade (Bazi)
FS Fan 25/11/2015 3356
9 bazi element can be balanced out with food? (Feng Shui)
greenwood 26/3/2015 1864
10 Special Ba Zi Chart to learn Metaphysics (Bazi)
voonfn 22/7/2014 2342
11 Using Solar time or based on local GMT (Bazi)
teojh 8/2/2014 2764
12 Would my Medical Tourism business succeed ? (Bazi)
goa 14/7/2013 1910
13 How to decide which combinations take place (Feng Shui)
Tintintoretto 15/2/2013 2067
14 Career Advise (Feng Shui)
Claire Loo 6/1/2013 2736
15 Surrounded by 3 Earthly Animals (Bazi)
kukoicruz 15/9/2012 2629
j 11/6/2012 3929
17 Bazi: Rich first then become poor at old age? (Bazi)
aris 26/4/2012 2746
18 unbalance bazi? (Bazi)
ekoprasetyo 12/3/2012 2657
19 Bazi (Bazi)
jv 19/10/2011 2912
20 House facing SE3 (Feng Shui)
Aries Gargar 21/6/2011 3331
21 luck pillar versus annual pillar (Bazi)
gie 14/9/2010 3341
22 Goat or Monkey? (Feng Shui)
Serena Wee 10/8/2010 1916 - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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