- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

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Nos. Forum Topics Question by Date Views
1 "HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR" 2011 (Feng Shui)
RENAE ALLEN 6/2/2011 2076
2 Regarding Unauspicious Days.
RENAE ALLEN 21/9/2009 2134
3 Danger Day verses Success Day
RENAE ALLEN 10/9/2009 2173
4 Regarding placements for September.
RENAE ALLEN 10/9/2009 2042
5 Regarding house plants
RENAE ALLEN 10/9/2009 1932
6 Rgarding Auspiciuos hours
RENAE ALLEN 10/9/2009 2166
7 Regarding Music Box.
RENAE ALLEN 10/9/2009 2193
8 Bamboo plants for NE.
RENAE ALLEN 4/9/2009 2111
9 Red Packets.
RENAE ALLEN 4/9/2009 2234
10 Black Stones.
RENAE ALLEN 4/9/2009 2161
11 Water Fountain
RENAE ALLEN 4/9/2009 2024
12 Regarding placement items.
RENAE ALLEN 14/8/2009 2162
13 Water Star 8 and Mountain Star 8
RENAE ALLEN 11/8/2009 2251
14 Regarding palcements for August.
RENAE ALLEN 11/8/2009 2395
15 Regarding relationship sector
RENAE ALLEN 1/8/2009 1962
16 Regarding round rock for East.
RENAE ALLEN 1/8/2009 1910
17 Regarding house plan
RENAE ALLEN 1/8/2009 2193
18 Regarding bad luck.
RENAE ALLEN 31/7/2009 2171
19 Regarding overhead beam.
RENAE ALLEN 27/7/2009 1868
20 Regarding overhead beam
RENAE ALLEN 22/7/2009 2065
21 Regarding T junction, tree and lamp post.
RENAE ALLEN 21/7/2009 2141
22 Rgarding confirmation of appliances.
RENAE ALLEN 21/7/2009 1908
23 Overhead beam picture sent to your support@skillon
RENAE ALLEN 20/7/2009 1852
24 Another question for you Master Peter.
RENAE ALLEN 13/7/2009 2085
25 Regarding Good and bad directions.
RENAE ALLEN 16/7/2009 1914
26 Original house floor plan.
RENAE ALLEN 14/7/2009 1792
27 Regarding House Period .
RENAE ALLEN 13/7/2009 1918
28 Regarding Feng Shui items.
RENAE ALLEN 14/7/2009 1957 - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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