- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui
* Notice *
Master Peter will be away from 17 Sep until 30 Sep.
The number of days that needed to complete any analysis will exclude the days that Master Peter is away. He will be back on 1 Oct. During this period Master Peter will have no access to your personal details and have limited access to email. On his return he will answer email in the order they were received so there may be a delay in our reply to you depending on the volume of email received.

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Nos. Forum Topics Question by Date Views
1 Autism (Feng Shui)
Amanda 16/7/2024 352
2 facing direction of a ground floor flat (Feng Shui) 16/1/2022 1396
3 Pillars clash (Bazi)
Amanda Lee 24/3/2020 1600
4 Father's surgical operation (Feng Shui)
Amanda Cheong 23/9/2017 1655
5 Elements and Jobs (Feng Shui)
Amanda 21/8/2015 2108
6 Never lucky in love (Bazi)
Amanda Lee 11/5/2015 2485
7 In 2011, romance star #1 located at my bathroom. (Feng Shui)
Amanda 9/11/2010 2192 - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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