- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

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Nos. Forum Topics Question by Date Views
1401 Wu Gui (Feng Shui)
ANTHONY FERNANDES 5/11/2011 3289
1402 I try to increase my relationship luck. (Feng Shui)
Wendy Ka 2/11/2011 2643
1403 Kitchen @ Wu Gui (a S1 facing Condo) (Feng Shui)
denis 30/10/2011 2991
1404 entry door facing bathroom door (Feng Shui)
diana chou 30/10/2011 2775
1405 Elements and types of careers (Feng Shui)
ladydragon 26/10/2011 2926
1406 Back Door Facing Room Door (Feng Shui)
Loh Kim Guan 26/10/2011 2610
1407 Bazi (Bazi)
jv 19/10/2011 2940
1408 How to cure main door in Wu Gui sector (Feng Shui)
Helmy 11/10/2011 3463
1409 Daymaster (Bazi)
evon 11/10/2011 2876
1410 Number 5 yellow star (Feng Shui)
jv 3/10/2011 2874
1411 bed facing a curtain or sliding door or partition
Li Da Sheng 1/10/2011 2863
1412 Auspicious Date and Time (Feng Shui)
Ka Chun 1/10/2011 2982
1413 does 5 october 2011 is auspicious day (Feng Shui)
takuya 1/10/2011 2616
1414 Almanac - date selection (Feng Shui)
Mercy Campoverde 30/9/2011 3085
1415 Is This Poison Arrow To My Kwan Yin Altar
Prateek 26/9/2011 2801
1416 House very Near To River?
Voon Sin 26/9/2011 2707
1417 Center of the house
Susan 26/9/2011 2814
1418 Toilet & bedroom doors facing each other?
Helen Be 26/9/2011 2790
1419 suspended altar table good or bad? (Feng Shui)
ce ce 26/9/2011 2607
1420 Confirm year element. (Bazi)
jv 26/9/2011 2639
1421 Period 8, NE2 house
canyon 24/9/2011 6775
1422 solitary and lonely 孤寡命 (Bazi)
Au Chee Keong 22/9/2011 20349
1423 Life and Luck 一命二运三风水 (Bazi)
Natalie 22/9/2011 5423
1424 weak or strong metal (Feng Shui)
az 21/9/2011 3135
1425 Bazi reading without time of birth? (Bazi)
Mercy Campoverde 13/9/2011 3037
1426 What are Heaven Luck, Earth Luck and Man Luck?
Huza Wee 9/9/2011 2631
1427 marriage
Li Wei 9/9/2011 2936
1428 Aquarium and fish (Feng Shui)
Gonzales 9/9/2011 2649
1429 Tai Ji or "yin-yang" (Feng Shui)
Fang T Lee 7/9/2011 2713
1430 Death plants (Feng Shui)
Faye Lee 7/9/2011 2616
1431 Can Feng Shui bring me wealth? (Feng Shui)
Ya Li 7/9/2011 2375
1432 Can Feng Shui be practiced without using a Luo Pan (Feng Shui)
Sassy 7/9/2011 2638
1433 Downsizing my fish tank (Feng Shui)
Tony Ju 2/9/2011 2588
1434 weak metal or strong metal (Bazi)
AlvinTan 2/9/2011 3034
1435 Water Cure (Bazi)
AlvinTan 2/9/2011 3112
1436 stove on same wall as garage (Feng Shui)
Mercy Campoverde 2/9/2011 2780
1437 Feng Shui - real estate luck (Feng Shui)
Mercy Campoverde 2/9/2011 2803
1438 Strong wood weak metal (Bazi)
Jimmy 30/8/2011 3639
1439 Lamp Post in front of house (Feng Shui)
Sneha Dugar 30/8/2011 3634
1440 Hi, some questions about a chart (Feng Shui)
AK 30/8/2011 2642
1441 What is my luck for marriage? (Feng Shui)
RS 30/8/2011 2339
1442 House facing direct West 270 degrees (Feng Shui)
peggy68 30/8/2011 3214
1443 My daughter is very bad temper 刁蛮 常無故發腗气 (Bazi)
Stanley Tang 30/8/2011 5864
deroux 25/8/2011 2681
1445 Confusion about kitchen area in the house (Feng Shui)
Hanna 22/8/2011 3070
1446 stove and oven (Feng Shui)
marija 19/8/2011 3003
1447 Does our name play an important rule with our luck? (Bazi)
Anthony Lai 18/8/2011 5358
1448 Destiny chart (Feng Shui)
ladydragon 18/8/2011 3022
1449 Lamp Post in front of house (Feng Shui)
Sneha Dugar 18/8/2011 3169
1450 Confused about marriage prospects (Bazi)
Grace 15/8/2011 3008 - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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