- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

2183 topics
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Nos. Forum Topics Question by Date Views
1251 bedroom in southeast (Feng Shui)
nektaria 6/8/2012 2493
1252 House facing opposite Kindergarden (Feng Shui)
justingon 5/8/2012 2575
1253 Kua Numbers (Feng Shui) 5/8/2012 2446
1254 Sleep and study position at Jueming direction (Feng Shui)
LCYONG 5/8/2012 2890
1255 relationship or marriage (Feng Shui)
mini4 5/8/2012 2502
1256 earth element 2012 best placement (Feng Shui)
treeoflife27 21/7/2012 2557
1257 Misdirection (Feng Shui)
jaydeylady11 18/7/2012 2652
1258 The Grand duke in SE (Feng Shui)
Carol Kourdou 17/7/2012 2672
1259 Pi yao (Feng Shui)
Ong Lee Lee 17/7/2012 2783
1260 what is my house facing door? (Feng Shui)
nektaria 17/7/2012 2141
1261 Property Dispute (Feng Shui)
Shashi 6/7/2012 2486
1262 Will there be happiness in 2nd marriage?? (Bazi)
Pink_piglet 24/6/2012 2348
1263 Bought A House (Feng Shui)
samanthayew 24/6/2012 2529
1264 relationship (Bazi)
kareng 24/6/2012 2787
1265 cure to keep husband faithfull (Feng Shui)
arrugula11 21/6/2012 2741
1266 Two Different Readings on Same Chart (Feng Shui)
Jwestab 21/6/2012 2524
1267 What are pink packets? (Feng Shui)
arrugula11 21/6/2012 2269
1268 Direction of the education sector (Feng Shui)
kam 21/6/2012 2456
1269 husband has a woman (Feng Shui)
angela 14/6/2012 2765
1270 my daughters twins lack of fire (Feng Shui)
kam 12/6/2012 2685
1271 Day Master week or strong (Feng Shui)
Jaz 12/6/2012 3453
1272 Bazi (Bazi)
jv 12/6/2012 2833
1273 Daymaster (Feng Shui)
someone83 12/6/2012 2887
1274 remedy for lack of Ta Yun (Feng Shui)
kam 12/6/2012 2612
j 11/6/2012 3951
1276 House Address seems to be bad (Feng Shui)
RJ Balagulan 11/6/2012 2571
1277 Thank You Master for the Bazi Analysis Reading (Bazi)
Angel 6/6/2012 2592
1278 Relationship (Bazi)
kareng 6/6/2012 2562
1279 how to get rid of ghosts? (Feng Shui)
cyramon 6/6/2012 3110
1280 Cures for all the bad flying stars (Feng Shui)
arrugula11 6/6/2012 2579
1281 How to work with both house sector and flying star (Feng Shui)
arrugula11 31/5/2012 2611
1282 suitable career (Bazi)
kareng 30/5/2012 2720
1283 Maindoor facing lift (Feng Shui)
peggy68 30/5/2012 2703
1284 Save relationship (Feng Shui)
kennest 25/5/2012 2556
1285 improve money luck (Feng Shui)
tsering 25/5/2012 2795
1286 I like to get soinformation about this ba zi char (Bazi)
successtef88 25/5/2012 2702
1287 Down with very Bad Luck for the past 32 years.... (Feng Shui)
Cayman 25/5/2012 2522
1288 brown card (Feng Shui)
arrugula11 20/5/2012 2872
1289 weak and extreme weak (Bazi)
jv 20/5/2012 3748
1290 Can Bazi show if one will have son or daughter (Feng Shui)
Angel 14/5/2012 3073
1291 Same Bazi (Bazi)
Isabelle 14/5/2012 2821
1292 parents palace (Bazi)
kareng 14/5/2012 3511
1293 Tall object or tower at the back of house (Feng Shui)
mmssantos78 6/5/2012 2644
1294 bazi chart without water element (Bazi)
kareng 6/5/2012 5221
1295 Missing East area (Feng Shui)
Bridget 6/5/2012 2720
1296 fliyng stars (Feng Shui)
Danioana 6/5/2012 2724
j 6/5/2012 3814
1298 Bazi: Rich first then become poor at old age? (Bazi)
aris 26/4/2012 2770
1299 Special Stars in the Paht Chee Reading (Bazi)
happpy 18/4/2012 3920
1300 My awfull bazi (Bazi)
George 15/4/2012 2961 - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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