- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

2183 topics
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Nos. Forum Topics Question by Date Views
1151 Daily tong shu arrangements (Feng Shui)
Sanjay 6/3/2013 4167
1152 wealth activation day on 22nd march 2013? (Feng Shui)
Sanjay 5/3/2013 2088
1153 Hi MASTER, (Feng Shui)
George 5/3/2013 2414
1154 Monthly Flying Star Feng Shui Arrangement 2013 (Feng Shui)
ritzbeauty11 5/3/2013 2300
1155 Significance of positioning of DO (Bazi)
bella 5/3/2013 2035
1156 a little help please? (Bazi)
woodgirl 24/12/2015 1991
1157 Too much fire bad for career? (Bazi)
cwinsf 16/5/2015 1894
1158 Brown Card (Feng Shui)
ritzbeauty11 28/2/2013 2349
1159 daily stars (Feng Shui)
luis la cruz 28/2/2013 2298
1160 best career choice (Bazi)
cen xin 28/2/2013 2526
1161 Clashes btw 2 favourable elements (Bazi)
seahzxzx 19/2/2013 2697
1162 bazi - relationship/marriage (Bazi)
buer 19/2/2013 2356
1163 Bazi - does it reveal our future partner? (Bazi)
merv_99ers 17/2/2013 1906
1164 Wind-chime to cure #5 star attracting spirits (Feng Shui)
arrugula11 15/2/2013 2304
1165 main gate and sewerage systme (Feng Shui) 15/2/2013 1968
1166 How to decide which combinations take place (Feng Shui)
Tintintoretto 15/2/2013 2104
1167 deden bazi (Feng Shui)
deden 12/2/2013 2034
1168 Five Yellow no 5 (Feng Shui)
Christiana Gouw 12/2/2013 2279
1169 Clash of elements (Feng Shui)
zmqq 8/2/2013 2905
1170 Rob Wealth (Bazi)
cheeradee 8/2/2013 3360
1171 Bazi (Bazi)
jv 6/2/2013 2300
1172 Promotion in job (Feng Shui)
michelle doughty 5/2/2013 2855
1173 Any substitute for mechanical music box (Feng Shui)
Angel 5/2/2013 2418
1174 Main door position (Feng Shui)
treeoflife27 1/2/2013 2461
1175 Does our workship effect our luck/personal fengshu (Feng Shui)
takuya 31/1/2013 2079
1176 Output stars without wealth stars on LP (Bazi)
cheeradee 31/1/2013 2623
1177 2013 wealth placement (Feng Shui)
michelle doughty 31/1/2013 2540
1178 Confflicted Fu Wei area (Feng Shui)
treeoflife27 31/1/2013 4514
1179 wealth element and face shape relationship (Feng Shui)
dorapoon 27/1/2013 2500
1180 kua and main door (Feng Shui)
empire9186 27/1/2013 2231
1181 Why do renovations have such a bad effect? (Feng Shui)
arrugula11 26/1/2013 1995
1182 10 Years Luck Pillar (Feng Shui)
OK1903 26/1/2013 2589
1183 Remodel a house before moving in (Feng Shui)
Bob 25/1/2013 2446
1184 #5 yellow star in 2013 (Feng Shui)
arrugula11 24/1/2013 2838
1185 Aggressive sword star and the traveling horse star (Feng Shui)
OK1903 24/1/2013 3884
1186 Main Door (Feng Shui)
Christiana Gouw 20/1/2013 2567
1187 Compass reading (Feng Shui)
treeoflife27 20/1/2013 2571
1188 star of Benevolence (Bazi)
jv 20/1/2013 3202
1189 Learning the destructive cycle of elements and how (Feng Shui)
treeoflife 20/1/2013 2427
1190 Direct Officers & 7 Killings (Bazi)
OK1903 10/1/2013 6035
1191 How is my career opportunity for 2013? (Feng Shui)
ng shih ying 8/1/2013 2101
1192 Career Advise (Feng Shui)
Claire Loo 6/1/2013 2756
1193 Conflicting favourable elements (Feng Shui)
shirleyseow 27/12/2012 2681
1194 Uncle Lee (Bazi)
lauxing 27/12/2012 2726
1195 2013 Tai Sui Affliction (Bazi)
cwchan888 27/12/2012 2547
1196 Combination (Bazi)
Gui DM 27/12/2012 4043
1197 Is this a Real Follow or Fake Follow The Leader? (Bazi)
Winaks 23/12/2012 3244
1198 white tiger and green dragon (Feng Shui)
cwchan888 19/12/2012 3022
1199 Please help... (Bazi)
sincan 19/12/2012 2738
1200 Education (Bazi)
cwchan888 14/12/2012 2543 - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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