- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

2183 topics
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Nos. Forum Topics Question by Date Views
1051 Migration (Bazi) (Bazi)
yhfang 19/1/2014 2635
1052 Ho-Tu 7/2 in the north east (Feng Shui)
Christiana Gouw 16/1/2014 2406
1053 Harm in pillars (Bazi)
Jj yvl 16/1/2014 2898
1054 Harm in day and month pillar (Bazi)
Jj yvl 16/1/2014 2840
1055 Significant wealth but NO output element? (Feng Shui)
kaihsien 16/1/2014 2362
1056 lonely star question (Feng Shui)
Yannie Lee 7/1/2014 2736
1057 Is my spouse star sitting at grave? (Bazi)
Yannie Lee 7/1/2014 2043
1058 High limit for Feng Shui Placement (Feng Shui)
masbbs 7/1/2014 2256
1059 change job (Bazi)
kareng 6/1/2014 2748
1060 Bazi check plse (Bazi)
masbbs 5/1/2014 2307
1061 Good marriage or no marriage is better? (Bazi)
Ola 2/1/2014 2150
1062 Front door direction (Feng Shui)
Carol Kourdou 29/12/2013 2346
1063 2013 & 2014 my gui si is fu yin. feng shu advise (Feng Shui)
snoopy520 26/12/2013 2430
1064 Lonely in terms of love and money? (Bazi)
Ola 16/12/2013 2197
1065 Please help me for Combination is Transform or no (Bazi)
asingk 14/12/2013 2481
1066 FIRE PENALTY (Bazi)
lalachu 3/12/2013 4436
1067 Will I ever get married? (Bazi)
shab 1/12/2013 2133
1068 Super Bing? (Bazi)
Ola 1/12/2013 2725
1069 Solving self-punishment (Bazi)
Ola 20/11/2013 3221
1070 how can i get pregnant ? (Bazi)
chrysant 20/11/2013 2144
1071 Missing NW sector (Feng Shui)
Heng HC 20/11/2013 2617
1072 about my promotion (Bazi)
rupashraman 12/11/2013 2462
1073 Life Grave Sheng Ji? (Feng Shui)
Ola 12/11/2013 2957
1074 change of main door (Feng Shui)
treeoflife 8/11/2013 2326
1075 Triple Peach Blossom (Bazi)
AMOY 30/10/2013 2426
1076 7 killing star in spouse palace (Bazi)
LAUW 23/10/2013 6431
1077 Strength of DayMaster (Bazi)
cwchan888 19/10/2013 2466
1078 Clash of earthly branches (Bazi)
chia0059 18/10/2013 2732
1079 Office Desk facing the Door (Feng Shui)
luckyjaguar 16/10/2013 2500
1080 My Son Relationship (Feng Shui)
Abby 2/10/2013 2393
1081 Solitary decade (Bazi)
cwchan888 8/10/2013 2539
1082 Choosing to stay single? (Bazi)
Ola 8/10/2013 2132
1083 Weak or Follow Son??? (Feng Shui)
Protegex 26/9/2013 2125
1084 For my boy bazi (Feng Shui)
jazzieteo 23/9/2013 2507
1085 For daughter (Bazi)
jazzieteo 21/9/2013 2419
1086 Water in north for September (Feng Shui)
michelle doughty 16/9/2013 2374
1087 spouse in graveyard (Bazi)
cwchan888 8/9/2013 3211
1088 Chart combinations - change strength? (Bazi)
Arena 2/9/2013 4579
1089 Reading Bazi (Bazi)
LAUW 28/8/2013 2396
1090 Water element (Bazi)
kareng 24/8/2013 2427
1091 Shifting of staff seating in ofiice (Feng Shui)
zmqq 22/8/2013 2423
1092 Outside water fountain (Feng Shui)
michelle doughty 22/8/2013 2489
1093 Left a job on Aug 14th (Feng Shui)
keawla 22/8/2013 2363
1094 ghost month (Feng Shui)
kareng 22/8/2013 2570
1095 Start day for new job in 7th mth (Bazi) 22/8/2013 2437
1096 what is my future in 10 years? (Feng Shui)
snoopy520 27/7/2013 2183
1097 Would my Medical Tourism business succeed ? (Bazi)
goa 14/7/2013 1924
1098 Center missing (Feng Shui)
treeoflife 2/7/2013 2209
1099 fish tank (Feng Shui)
ltsamis 27/6/2013 2335
1100 Remove Trees (Feng Shui)
ltsamis 27/6/2013 2323 - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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