- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

2183 topics
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Nos. Forum Topics Question by Date Views
101 Feng Shui essential book (Feng Shui)
Bliss 6/2/2023 1435
102 Color of doormat regard (Feng Shui)
Arriana 6/2/2023 1365
103 Stars (Bazi)
Igor 2/2/2023 1500
104 Ebook 2023 Fengshui Essentials (Feng Shui)
Carol Kourdou 30/1/2023 1382
105 Yong Shen/Favorable (Bazi)
EarlGreyMilkTea 30/1/2023 1406
106 7K + HO = Legendary Villain/Criminal? (Bazi)
Ola 15/1/2023 1448
107 Extinct, Death, Grave 12 growth phases for 2030, 2040, 2050 luck pillars (Feng Shui)
Friz 11/1/2023 1798
108 Facts - Testimonial
tjahjonoharry 15/1/2023 2509
109 '2023 GuiMao 癸卯 Water Rabbit year - to enhance wealth and money luck 财运' Post on 4 Jan 2023 (Feng Shui)
cwhook 9/1/2023 1378
110 Career change (Bazi)
June Ang 5/1/2023 1422
111 Almanac days (Feng Shui)
Igor 15/11/2022 1386
112 Fengshui (Feng Shui)
FS Fan 2/11/2022 1392
113 Studying (Bazi)
Greenearth 25/10/2022 1378
114 Demise of Mother? (Feng Shui)
tkbazi 11/9/2022 1382
115 Career and Covid (Feng Shui)
PinkLady 5/9/2022 1359
116 Advice (Bazi)
Star888 5/9/2022 1377
117 7k and DO in LP (Bazi)
Griffins168 4/9/2022 1410
118 Fengshui (Feng Shui)
FS Fan 30/8/2022 1373
119 Bazi (Feng Shui)
FS Fan 26/8/2022 1377
120 Flying star fengshui (Feng Shui)
FS Fan 26/8/2022 1390
121 Just a thought (Bazi)
Greenearth 26/8/2022 1353
122 Advice (Feng Shui)
Star888 15/8/2022 1332
123 Incredible Accuracy of Yearly report (Bazi)
tjahjonoharry 9/8/2022 1385
124 Is it possible next luck pillar is better (Feng Shui)
Wa 8/8/2022 1376
125 Wealthy Spouse Star in the late marriage ? (Bazi)
tjahjonoharry 4/8/2022 1437
126 Negative Resource (Bazi)
WinterTree 4/8/2022 1488
127 Bazi (Bazi)
FS Fan 15/7/2022 1410
128 Fengshui (Feng Shui)
FS Fan 15/7/2022 1365
129 How to read emotional health in Bazi? (Bazi)
WinterTree 28/6/2022 1355
130 low EQ overrides high IQ from Bazi perspective (Feng Shui)
WinterTree 28/6/2022 1390
131 Unsuccessful in buying a new house (Feng Shui)
Karam 28/6/2022 1368
132 Starting off my life (Feng Shui)
Qais 21/6/2022 1365
133 Clarifications (Bazi)
Star888 20/6/2022 1451
134 Advice (Bazi)
June Ang 19/6/2022 1403
135 Starting litigation (Feng Shui)
Cata 10/6/2022 1391
136 Destined to be alone ? (Bazi)
tjahjonoharry 27/5/2022 1398
137 Job change or stay (Feng Shui)
han92 18/5/2022 1768
138 Uncivilized punishment (Bazi)
Greenearth 6/5/2022 1632
139 change 大运 (Bazi)
Baba 6/5/2022 1561
140 (Looks like) a Perfect Life (Bazi)
tjahjonoharry 17/4/2022 1426
141 Possible to see a change in character in bazi (Bazi)
Star888 13/4/2022 1368
142 Period 9 (Feng Shui)
Lynette Sharman 13/4/2022 1425
143 Fengshui (Feng Shui)
FS Fan 13/4/2022 1399
144 Feng Shui (Feng Shui)
FS Fan 1/4/2022 1357
145 5 elements (Feng Shui)
FS Fan 22/3/2022 1342
146 Horse in all pillars - is it self penalty?? (Feng Shui)
Aveeno 1/3/2022 1412
147 Suddenly rich, suddenly famous and suddenly caught by Police (Bazi)
tjahjonoharry 25/2/2022 1407
148 10 gods and what they represent in tayun (Feng Shui)
guang 25/2/2022 1407
149 time zones of almanac (Feng Shui)
Igor 25/2/2022 1377
150 Marriage/Love Life (Bazi)
rainbow11 18/2/2022 1461 - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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