- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

2183 topics
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Nos. Forum Topics Question by Date Views
801 Where is the boat? (Bazi)
MustardMusic 30/3/2016 1694
802 This person has no Wealth element in Bazi and also not in Wealthy Tayun, but is earning quite alot? (Bazi)
thejewel 30/3/2016 1769
803 Feng Shui (Feng Shui)
FS Fan 26/3/2016 2011
804 Peter's BaZi Correspondence Courses (Feng Shui)
Miss Fong 25/3/2016 1896
805 What is the point of being born (Feng Shui)
greenwood 23/3/2016 1912
806 Fan Yin year (Bazi)
Jammas 21/3/2016 2456
807 Can i work in a law firm industry as an IT manager ? (Feng Shui)
lim 19/3/2016 1544
808 Which element(s) to be strengthened? (Feng Shui)
Bazeed 19/3/2016 1650
809 Next Luck Pillar (Feng Shui)
FS Fan 18/3/2016 1790
810 HEALTH PROBLEM (Feng Shui)
forever.friend 17/3/2016 1876
811 Help for placements (Feng Shui)
ladydragon 12/3/2016 1871
812 Day master strenth (Bazi)
BluFlower 27/2/2016 2051
813 Weak DM (Bazi)
kareng 18/2/2016 1997
814 Toilet located in the Six Killing sector of my house (Feng Shui)
ladydragon 17/2/2016 1807
815 2016 SW Sitting Door (Feng Shui)
masbbs 17/2/2016 1824
816 Southwest flying star (Feng Shui)
Christiana Gouw 14/2/2016 1877
817 Beam (Feng Shui)
WendyC 11/2/2016 1987
818 sleeping in north east & north sectors (Feng Shui)
michelle doughty 9/2/2016 1785
819 2016 NE sector (Feng Shui)
carlaval 4/2/2016 1936
820 oversea migration (Feng Shui)
Heng HC 2/2/2016 2018
821 Home or Condo to welcome the God of Wealth (Feng Shui)
Sinta 2/2/2016 1988
822 Would like to check my reading (Feng Shui) 2/2/2016 1883
823 brother worried (Feng Shui)
Bryanlim 19/1/2016 1886
824 2016 Healing for Wooden Dragon (Feng Shui)
1dragon 16/1/2016 2019
825 2016 Door Facing (Feng Shui)
Christiana Gouw 15/1/2016 2116
826 巳寅vs申 (Feng Shui)
J Chua 12/1/2016 3059
827 2016 Recommendations (Feng Shui)
Mymy 7/1/2016 1948
828 House building for Period 9 (Feng Shui)
TinyTiger 5/1/2016 1937
829 Bone weight astrology (Bazi)
whleong 5/1/2016 2479
830 Horrible career luck. Help! (Feng Shui)
cwinsf 4/1/2016 2487
831 Symbolic Stars in Bazi (Bazi)
wkwt 4/1/2016 7112
832 Should my mother move in with me? (Bazi)
Maxcloudy 15/12/2015 1632
833 Looking for job (Feng Shui)
carlaval 14/12/2015 1874
834 Missing corner - NorthWest Kid Bedroom (Feng Shui)
WendyC 14/12/2015 1735
835 Facing door (Feng Shui)
Aranka 14/12/2015 1895
836 Activate Relatioship Star (Feng Shui)
masbbs 14/12/2015 1881
837 Water in SW indicate loss of money in December Flying Star (Feng Shui)
masbbs 14/12/2015 1800
838 2016 impact on si hour branch (Bazi)
FS Fan 27/11/2015 1920
839 Money Saving (Feng Shui)
simonlka 27/11/2015 1935
840 Have both Rob Wealth & Direct Wealth (Bazi)
veggied 25/11/2015 2091
841 Goat Blade (Bazi)
FS Fan 25/11/2015 3427
842 Rob wealth formation (Bazi)
ajr9001 20/11/2015 2182
843 Wealth Sector and Health Sector (Feng Shui)
cjackson8888 20/11/2015 1969
844 Dating and marriage luck (Bazi)
Ezy 18/11/2015 1977
845 Can bazi see whether you have good children/disabled children or difficult to take care children? (Bazi)
veggied 18/11/2015 1675
846 Tong Shu Date & Time (Feng Shui)
OK1903 17/11/2015 1878
847 Three I-Ching coins tied with red string placed at my entrance door knob inside. (Feng Shui)
masbbs 17/11/2015 2006
848 Find a job (Feng Shui)
ladydragon 17/11/2015 1948
849 Kitchen (Feng Shui)
WendyC 16/11/2015 1988
850 need new job (Feng Shui)
maobena 11/11/2015 1816 - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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