- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Wife flourishing husband.
“Wang Fu” 旺夫 structure.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

“Wang Fu” 旺夫structure is what a lady need to bring good auspicious luck to her husband, flourishing her husband 名 (reputation), 利 (wealth) and 权(power). In Chinese we called her “Wang Fu” 旺夫. You cannot based on one star or one Ten Gods 十神alone to decide a good “Wang Fu” 旺夫 structure.

Mother Teresa (Blessed Teresa of Calcutta,26/8/1910-05/09/1997)
德蘭修女 or 特蕾莎修女

Students’ Case Study. Students, please log in to read all the answers. For non-students you can subscribe to "Case studies" here.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Mother Teresa, known in the Catholic Church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta born in Albanian on 26 August 1910 and died on 5 September 1997 (aged 87) in Calcutta, West Bengal, India. After living in Macedonia for eighteen years she moved to Ireland and then to India, where she lived for most of her life.

Teresa received a number of honours, including the 1962 Ramon Magsaysay Peace Prize and 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. She was canonised (recognised by the church as a saint) on 4 September 2016, and the anniversary of her death (5 September) is her feast day.

Some of my students had the idea that in order to achieve her recognition and reception, resource stars, 印卩 must be her useful favorable Ten Gods 十神. With the above chart, no doubt that she would received this kind of recognition. In Calcutta, she is even worshipped as a goddess by some Hindus. But with this chart, also would have achieved wealth and power. Therefore, this was not her BaZi chart.

Thus, wood 伤食 and fire 财才 were her favorable useful Ten Gods 十神, and metal 印卩, water 劫比 and earth 官杀 were her unfavorable. Note: Not all unfavorable are hostile.

The man behind the failed HKMEx
Barry Cheung 張震遠

Students’ Case Study. Students, please log in to read all the answers. For non-students you can subscribe to "Case studies" here.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Barry Cheung Chun-yuen, 張震遠 born 15 February 1958 in British Hong Kong is a Hong Kong businessman. Cheung is a former Non-official member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong, a chairman of Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange (HKMEx), and former chairman of the Urban Renewal Authority.

His BaZi favors 伤食,才财 and 官杀. From his BaZi, strong 伤 suppress 戊官 his political and authority star, but he was a high-flying businessman and political operator?

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1993. - In his early 30s he was appointed as a full-time adviser to the colonial government's think tank, the Central Policy Unit. This was the starting point for his political career. This was because of the strong 财 produced strong 官. But 癸 combined with 戊官 and became 财? Was his political and authority star 戊官 lost?

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2008. – He launched the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange HKMEx in June 2008 as a trading platform. He was the chairman and majority shareholder, with a 56% stake. This was one of his biggest achievements but it was also the trap that would marked his downfall. Strong 财才 produced strong 官杀 making his dream to set up an exchange became a reality. But what was the trap?

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This was his hidden danger and would lead to the failed HKMEx and toward his bankruptcy.

2012. – He was an early backer of The Honourable Leung Chun-ying (3rd Chief Executive of Hong Kong) when the latter declared his candidacy for Hong Kong chief executive; He managed the election campaign in 2012. He became an executive councillor in the Leung Chun-ying 's first administration.

Hostile 壬比 revealed but he managed to become an executive councillor in the Leung Chun-ying 's first administration? Why? For this you need to see his 8 pillars (八柱同参 ) on 1 July 2012 and look into Growth Force 张力.

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2013. – He resigned from his official duties in 2013 amidst controversy and over the suspension of HKMEx by the securities regulator and allegations of possible irregularities at the exchange.

It was clearly shown that his useful Ten Gods 用神 财 sat on 财 in 2013. Was it supposed a good and wealthy year? Many claimed that Cheung failed to pay his debt. Why? For this you need to see his 6 pillars (八柱同参 ) on 2013 and look into Growth Force 张力.

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2015. - In April 2015, Cheung was declared bankrupt in the High Court. The Kowloon City Magistrates’ Court found Cheung guilty of failing to pay an employee $340,000 while chairman of the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange, and then defaulting on a sum paid to the employee by the Labour Tribunal under the Employment Ordinance. He pleaded guilty to both charges and was sentenced to six months in prison. Cheung appealed and the sentence was reduced to 160 hours of community service. Now let us look into Growth Force 张力.

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8 pillars BaZi reading

Students’ Case Study. Students, please log in to read all the answers. For non-students you can subscribe to "Case studies" here.

Sunday, 6 August 2017

One of my strict rules when reading a BaZi is that we must look at one's BaZi as one big picture and not to emphasis on any particular pillars, elements or Ten Gods 十神 alone. We need to look at least 6 pillars (4 from the BaZi, 1 from the TaYun and 1 from the year).

Here is a very good example where we will look into 8 pillars, 4 from the BaZi, 1 from the TaYun, 1 from the year, 1 from the month and 1 from the day.

A baby girl was born on the 25 Apr 2012. You will noticed that all the branches were the same, dragon year, month, day and month. A pure little dragon girl 小龙女. Sound very auspicious right? This is also called as 地元一气 meaning all the branches are the same. In term of good day, this is an auspicious day selected for some for some purposes. Auspicious day does not necessary a good BaZi.

758 Articles
190 pages
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Saturday, 28 September 2024
八月 廿六
Inauspicious Inauspicious
"Kai 開   Open"  YiWei 乙未  day
• Marriage both for legal registration and for religious ceremony
• Signing agreements commercial in nature and less obligation
• Signing agreements that is more on your abligations or responsibilities
• Signing an agreement that will span a long duration or finalise something permanently
• Signing any legal settlement
• Move into a new house
• Groundbreaking
• Seeking medical treatment
• Starting a new job or assuming a new position
• House warming
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times, good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door), bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me.
Today's Gods and Killings 神煞

Avoid any significance activities.

Today is a Annual Sha 岁煞日 day, making this day unsuitable for certain activities. This indicates delay, setbacks and procrastination. Therefore, is best avoid starting any important project with tight schedule, and avoid submitting projects that need quick approval.
Today's Four Pillars of Destiny
  Hour   Day   Month   Year



Today's Flying Star
Month's Flying Star
Year's Flying Star
White Earth star
Current prosperity star
Red Metal star
Green Wood star
Disputes and Conflicts
Day Flying Stars chart
Month Flying Stars chart
Year Flying Stars chart
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times, good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door), bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me. - BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny and FengShui
Feng Shui
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