- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

mirrors for correcting "missing areas" (Feng Shui)

diana j
Member since 21/4/2011

My south and southwest areas are  missing or weak, these areas corresponds to part of my backyard and patio (inside the house i have the wall for the garage. I am confused about placing mirrors, Do I place the mirror outside on the wall of my backyard/garage reflecting the back yard ( missing area) or do I place the mirror inside  the garage with the darkside pointing the garage and the mirror area against the wall?  I saw a house like this, the owner place the dark side pointing inside the house and placed some painting over the darkside , while the reflecting mirror was against the wall ( no one could see it)... How can I fix my missing area? Do I need a Big mirror or can I place few mirrors? Can I place imitation mirror that does not brake ( metal style)?


thank you

Master Peter

A bit confusing here. Can you provide a drawing?

diana j

Master Peter

The mirror is placed in such a way that the missing areas are recaptured into  the scene. Normally it should be place inside the house black side against the missing aera wall.


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Feng Shui
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