- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

career suitability (Bazi)

Member since 10/2/2011

Dear Master

I would like to ask if my DM is weak or strong? I am currently in sales-banking should i stay or change job? When is my good luck pillar and whether i will be wealthy?

Thank you!

Master Peter

Strong day master.  You are thinking to change jobs for any particular reason?



Someone told me i am in the wrong line, i will never make it and will have to work very hard for little results. he says i should be in teaching or in facial/skincare business. My sales has been lacklustre, in the past decade only 2-3 years are good. I want to know if I am not in the correct luck period or am I really in the wrong line.

Also, strong DM because in season or also the 5 elements? cos i was told i am weak earth.

Thank you master.

Master Peter

You cannot just based on season or one or two characters to decide the daymaster.
You have to see the whole chart as one.

You are strong daymaster very strong no doubt. Let me explain why.

You have 2 of the 3 combination 亥-卯-未 among the branches (the lower 4 characters) which
transformed them all into friends 比. Out of 8 characters 5 are friends 比 (not taking in the daymaster)
and the other two have no strength to defend themselves. Therefors  DM is  Strong very strong.
Login and have a look at your chart then you will understand what I meant.

Sales is not the ideal job for you. Actually any job that are paying based on commision is not ideal for you.
Find a stable job with a basic fixed salary.

Your life chart (the 8 characters) is very good but you just do not have the luck (the decade luck).



Thanks master.

can anyone change one's luck? =)

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Feng Shui
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