- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

flying stars 8 mansion for house (Feng Shui)

train hoho2 18/8/2010 
Dear Master Peter,

You mentioned that we should choose the house with at least 3 stars or above. The house with 3 stars is good for health but bad for wealth. Do you think it is still good to live there because it is not good for wealth. On the other hand, houses with 3.5 stars are good for wealth but bad for health. Which should we choose? Either way is bad for the other.


Train hoho2

Master Peter

When a house is both wealth and health favorable, the strength is divided between wealth and health but if health or wealth alone the strength is much stronger. When I said a house is good for health it doesn't means that the house must be BAD for wealth. Is just not enhancing or help much in wealth.

For young man, body is strong thus they choose a wealth enhancing house. For retire when money is no longer an issue thus they choose a health enhancers one. If a big family with young and old, then choose a wealth and health in balance house.

* Amended on 18/8/2010 at 19:27pm

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