- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

No unfavorable element ? (Bazi)

Member since 26/12/2013

Dear Master,

Male, 18 april 1980, 19.51.

His bazi is full of metal and earth. 辛酉, with 2 庚 and 戌 revealed and rooted. Basically he is a very strong daymaster which is favor metal and earth. 

His life is very fortunate.

Born into a wealthy family. When he went into 辛巳 TaYun, his family is becoming extremely wealthy, this 巳, mostly fire. But instead of slowing down, his family is much better in the financial situation. 

When 壬午,TaYun, also become his great TaYun too. Water is not his favorable but he is excellent in his study. And Fire is not his a favorable but in reality, he is growing as a leader in his class. 

癸未 TaYun even greater, he decided to build his own business and becoming very successful, especially in 2005 until 2013. The business is slowing down when entered 2014 甲午 years, but it become an extremely successful in 2015.

甲 is not his favorable element but 2016,2017,2018 become his  greatest year in 甲申 TaYun. 

In the year 2022,2023 when water and wood is revealed and stronger, his business and influence become even larger and very good. Until today.

My questions are…

1. What is his real unfavorable element? Looks like whatever TaYun and year, he looks like immune with unlucky. In terms of health and business, he is very good and lucky.

2. ⁠With his hostile element revealed, how come he even growing his business? 

3. ⁠He had only flaws when talk about his marriage life. He married in 2010 and divorced in 2012. He married in 2018 and divorced in 2022. No child at all.  When spouse is his lucky element, he should also lucky in marriage, but in this case is zero. He plan to marry again in December 2024.

(First time, i met someone with so many favorable element, almost no flaw)

Thank you Master,

Peter Yap

Please refer to my latest article.


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