- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui
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Wealth star is revealed, rooted. Wealth star is everywhere. (Bazi)

Member since 26/12/2013

Male 13 august 1993, 0400 am.

丙 sit on 寅, surrounded with metal everywhere. 2 metal revealed. And rooted deep in 申 and 酉。With this formation, it is very clear that the day master of this person is weak.

If the day master is weak, current TaYun, 丁巳 should be his rich TaYun, but in fact he is always short of money. Now he is working as office contract for delivery. 

If the day master is strong, then the previous TaYun like 己未 , his family should be rich. But in fact, his family is poor, just enough money to feed the family. 

His appearance is good, strong figure. Many women like him, but he is a good father. Until now, always stay faithful to his wife. Have 4 children. 

Wood and fire should be his lucky element but 2015-2025 is not a rich TaYun for him. 

Metal is not his lucky element too since he is always short of money. 

What is actually his lucky element?

With metal is everywhere and rooted , he should be rich, right. But it is not.

With fire strong and rooted in current TaYun, he is also not rich if he is weak daymaster.

One thing for sure, even his position is the lowest in his company, he is a trusted person. A person with a very good integrity. 

Thank you Master



Peter Yap

Wood and fire sure his favorable. With strong metal and water, fire is exhausted,. wood is weak. 
1995 己未 TaYun, strong metal clash with fire, fire without strong wood is still weak - poor.
2005 戊午 TaYun, still the same. 
Current DingSi 丁巳 TaYun, fire is further weaken - not rich. 
He will never be rich.



Dear Master,
Thank you.

When wood revealed in the next TaYun, Wood should help fire stronger, right?
Is it still not helping his life when strong wood revealed

Peter Yap

Each time wood Jia 甲 and Yi 乙 appear it get suppressed by strong metal. You will also notice that Yi always get combined to become metal.



Dear Master,
Thank you very much

You always the best.
The best among the best


Peter Yap

You are welcome.


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Feng Shui
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