- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui
* Notice *
Master Peter will be away from 17 Sep until 30 Sep.
The number of days that needed to complete any analysis will exclude the days that Master Peter is away. He will be back on 1 Oct. During this period Master Peter will have no access to your personal details and have limited access to email. On his return he will answer email in the order they were received so there may be a delay in our reply to you depending on the volume of email received.

Need Clarification (Feng Shui)

Member since 27/5/2024

Dear Master Peter

    Good afternoon, In your tool about where you can locate your auspicious sector to place your aquariums.
     My house is in Period 8 house facing N3 , the result shown me the best location are N and SW, But could you clarify,
     if in SW-we can not place it and 
    we want to place in N is there any conflict with 2024 annual flying star 8 ?
    Sincerely yours

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Feng Shui
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