- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Luck Period (Feng Shui)

FS Fan
Member since 3/2/2015

 Hi Master Peter,

If a 己Daymaster with 伤官透格,with the only 正官 in the luck pillar .
Is this person going to be injured or sick if there are clashes between the luck pillar and both the month and year pillars (same 地支)?

Is this luck period consider very bad especially the health?


Thank you .



Peter Yap

You need to check the Ten Gods十神, element 五行and the palaces 宫, stem 天干, branch 地支and the pillar etc.  If only 地支 clashes is not the worst; the worst are when 天克地冲 when the pillar clashes. How bad are the clashes you will need to check the element and all the above before you can determine the severity. I have seen many with 3 or even 4 pillars clashes in  certain year and yes injuries were there but they only sustained mild injuries with minor health issues and of course there were also many bad cases (death etc) because on top of the clashes their Ten Gods十神 were also weak and helpless.

Is this luck period consider very bad especially the health? Without looking at the whole chart you just cannot tell.





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