- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Possibility of collapse in marriage. (Feng Shui)

Member since 21/2/2012
Hello Peter,

How are you? Thanks for all your help and advises.

I have a question. It is regarding my younger sister. I am now at her house in Hong Kong. I am very concern about her.

She has being having hard time with her husband, quarrel and fight almost every week. Sometime it can be a bit on the violent side. This only happen after they moved into their current home in April 2014. It looks like her husband is having a lot of Tau Hua.

Under what circumstances a house can bring all these issues. I am afraid their marriage may collapse.

Thank you,


Peter Yap


I am fine. Thanks. Send my regards to Andy.

I assuming you wanted to know how to see a house is having Tao Hua and can bring bad impacts on marriages.

Firstly, a house can be Tao Hua strong and together with the year or month which can further strengthen his luck in romance. For example sleep in the romance sector (with 1 and 1 stars technically Tao Hua Stars being produced in, suppress in or strengthened of the house based on the house’s age and facing.  Another example when 1 and 9 is activated will cause quarrel or even fights between husband and wife. This can be confusing to some.

Secondly, the outside environment also play an important role. If you have can see for example a licentious mountain like a sexy lady lifting up her skirt and being dancing 掀裙舞袖 (this can also be a form of roads coming toward the house) or water with Tao Hua 娥眉献媚 will bring many Tao Hua to the husband. There can also be others factors including Tao Hua from his BaZi.

The remedies are to find out what are the causes as they can come from inside within the house or externally in the environment or can be both. Only than specific rectifications can be carried out.



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