BaZi Feng Shui |
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Education (Bazi) |
Member since 26/11/2012 |
1/12/2012 |
Hi Master, Since I found your blog I have been reading your postings and found them really really good! So amazing that a Bazi chart can see so much of a person's life. However, can I ask how to see the education stars. I have been following your postings but can't seem to comprehend which of the ten God actually is the Education Star. If I may say so, does the same princple of Weatlh to a weak and strong DM applies. For me, (correct me if I am wrong) that Direct Resource is the actual education star to a DM irrespective whether the DM is strong or weak. Indirect Resource would entail more of street smartness rather than academic talents. Hope I am right here, Master? Please posting more for us to read and amaze us.... Thanks! WcChan
Master Peter
14/12/2012 |
Yes, Resource stars (both direct and indirect) are the education stars for weak day master. Cheers. |
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