- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

Flying Star again

Member since 13/7/2009

Dear Master Peter,

As per my previous post, if the annual star CONTROL IN will activate the QI for the water star, what if the water star CONTROLs the Annual instead?

example :

water star 4 annual star 8.. ,
4 which is wood will control 8 earth.. do i need to use fire to remove the wood influence and strengthen the 8?

water star 5, annual star 8..,
Since both are of earth element, do i use metal to exhaust 5? but then again it will also exhaust the 8 star as well, can i just put a cup of water to capture wealth?

another question is, if im renting a room within a period 8 house. I can use flying star for the room based on the small taichi philosophy, but then im confused as to whether the room period is 8 or not, does the house period automatically changes the room period as well?

thanks for enlightening me on the above issues


Master Peter

Case 1 : control in, same element and produce in will enhance Qi. control out and produce out weaken Qi. water star 4 annual star 8 is "control in" no need fire.

Case 2: as in case 1: same element enhance Qi.  5/8 now it depends on what you want.

Yes, but I usuaaly not recommend small Taichi. I got a client which have 5 rooms, 1 dining room and 2 living rooms. Each room, his master asked him to put two clocks. Total 16 clock and have to make sure they are all working. Feng Shui is to help peoples and if this is the case I will say let Feng Shui go his own way.



ok, i think he use the clocks as a mean to exhaust the black 2 and yellow 5..

"water star 4 annual star 8 is "control in" no need fire" isnt 4 (wood)water star control (8 earth)annual ? i thought its "control out"? or was it a typo..

thanks for the clarification master, greatly appreciate it!


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