Pita Limjaroenrat
Friday, 14 July 2023
Pita Limjaroenrat is a Thai politician and businessman. A member of the House of Representatives of Thailand, Pita is the leader of the Move Forward Party, the de facto successor to the dissolved Future Forward Party.
Pita Limjaroenrat led Move Forward to become the largest party in the 2023 general election, winning 151 seats. Following the formation of a coalition in the House, he announced plans to become the next prime minister of Thailand.
Now let’s take a look at his BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny.
Xin 辛 metal born in the month of Shen 申 metal. Fire is his status, authority and power.
2021 JiChou 己丑 TaYun with strong earth which weaken his fire, his path to become Prime Minister is no easy. 2023 癸卯 GuiMao year with Gui 癸 water challenging his fire (status and power), his bid to PM is very tough.
On 12 July 2023, the Constitutional Court of Thailand said it had accepted a complaint against Pita and the Move Forward Party by the Election Commission, that said its plan to reform lèse-majesté laws amounted to an attempt to "overthrow the democratic regime of government with the king as a head of state".The Commission referred Pita for disqualification as an MP; Pita called the process unfair, and said he wasn’t allowed to defend himself before the decision.
On 13 July 2023, Pita failed to win support from the Thai Senate to become the country's next Prime Minister.
“Regarding the voting results, I have to say that we accepted it but we will not give up,” Mr Pita said after the vote. “We won’t give up just yet. We’ll spend time to strategise how to consolidate votes for the next round.”
Since the selection of the prime minister was unsuccessful, the House of Representatives and the Senate will need to reconvene to vote again. The date is yet to be determined.
Can he make it?