BaZi : Supporting your day master.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
There are two type of ways to support your daymaster. First we use "Rob wealth" Jie-cai 劫财 (劫) and "Friends" Bi-jian 比肩 (比) for support. Second we use
"Direct Resource" Zheng-yin 正印 (印) and "Indirect Resource"Pian-yin 偏印 (卩) to produce.
Door tilting
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Door-tilting itself is not difficult to understand and not any major secret – when your door sits on an inauspicious angle, you tilt it to the nearest available auspicious angle. Ideally the nearest angle to the current one will match the favorable requirements for as many Feng Shui methods like San He, Ba Zhai, Xuan Kong …) as possible.
BaZi : Conan : His current Ta Yun. Will he be rich? Will he be wealthy?
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
BaZi : Conan : 3rd. Ta Yun - Most useful Ten God being suppressed.
Wednesday, 3 April 2013
By having his most useful Ten God being combined in his 2nd. Ta Yun, now let us look at his 3rd. Ta Yun.
More about Conan
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