BaZi Feng Shui |
Too many doors.
“My double storey terraced house has two front doors. One is a wooden door and the other is a sliding glass door with aluminium frame. Both doors open into the driveway. For the good of FengShui which door should I use, should I use one or both doors?”
Have you ever wondered why some people have all the authority and power? What it takes to become a leader where you can have the power the ability to get things done and to enforce the collective will of some group over others? Legitimacy is a socially constructed and psychologically accepted right to exercise power. Is there something very unique or special about their BaZi or Four Pillars of Destiny?
Yes, their BaZi must be unique and have what we called authority formation. If you do not have this authority formation can you still be a leader? Then you have to see your luck cycle. If your luck cycle aka Ta Yun provide the authority frame you can still be a leader but once the cycle is over your term will end. Chart 1. Her BaZi Four Pillar of Destiny. 七殺格 "7 killings" Qi-sha authority formation.. |
Not all of us have all the wealth luck that we want. Many of us just need one single Ta Yun with a block of 10 rich and wealthy years to be rich. Some have 20 years and the luckiest one may have more. When you see that your BaZi chart is not wealthy (in term of money), you will have to wait for a Ta Yun when your wealth stars are strong, rooted and well protected.
Look at the above two Ta Yun. You can see from these two Ta Yun only wealth stars and money formation were seem. She is going to make all the money that she need in her life duration this period of 20 years. |
Some people are destined to be rich only when they do joint venture or partnership. They just can’t perform all by themselves. Their BaZi Four Pillars of Destiny do not have all the quality that needed to be rich. For this group of people, they have to wait for the right time and of course for the right person to come into picture.
Now let take a look into our friend’s BaZi here. In his mid twenties he commenced business joint venture manufacturing furniture. His business was phenomenally successful, making both of them very rich in the process. Remember choosing the right partner is very important. His partner’s BaZi must be able to compensate his BaZi and his partner’s BaZi cannot be too good else he will be ended up losing his stake to his partner. Chart 1. His BaZi Four Pillar of Destiny. |
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Friday, 17 January 2025 | ||||||||||||||
十二月 十八
Inauspicious "Shou 收 Receive" BingXu 丙戌 day Year breaker - 岁破 |
SUIT | AVOID | |||||||||||||
• Marriage both for legal registration and for religious ceremony
• Signing agreements commercial in nature and less obligation
• Signing agreements that is more on your abligations or responsibilities
• Signing an agreement that will span a long duration or finalise something permanently
• Signing any legal settlement
• Move into a new house
• Groundbreaking
• Seeking medical treatment
• Starting a new job or assuming a new position
• House warming
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times,
good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door),
bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me.
Today's Gods and Killings 神煞
Inauspicous day and should be avoided. Due to the fact that today is a Year breaker day 岁破, thus making today inauspicious. |
Today's Four Pillars of Destiny
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Month Flying Stars chart
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Year Flying Stars chart
Please login to see Flying Stars, clashes and Fengshui remedies, auspicious times,
good directions to use (God Of Wealth, Lucky Door, God Of Happiness, God Of Nobility, Living Door, Open Door),
bad directions to avoid (Five Ghost, Death Door,Wicked Deity). Click me.