- BaZi FengShui Four Pillars of Destiny
Feng Shui - BaZi FengShui

2012- The 7th Day of Chinese New Year. It is everyone's birthday!

Monday, 30 January 2012

Today is the 7th day of Chinese New Year, known as 人日 (Ren Le) in Mandarin or (Yan Yak) in Cantonese. This means it is the birthday of all human kind.

When should I start putting in my fengshui arrangement? 4 Feb 2012 or 23 Jan 2012?

Sunday, 29 January 2012

You should only putting in your fengshui arrangements for 2012 starting from "Li Chun" the start of Spring which fall on 4 Feb 2012 and ends on 3 feb 2013.

You should only do your fengshui arrangement for 2012 starting from "Li Chun" and not immedaitely on the first day of Chinese Lunar New Year which fall on 23 Jan 2012. In some years Chinese New Year fall after the start of spring "Li Chun".

BaZi Part 3 of 7. Multimillionaire who filed for bankruptcy. His Fourth Ta Yun. Another multimillionaire Ta Yun but ...

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Many of us (except those lucky few) are having one or more Ta Yun or years that indicated that we will lose some of our wealth. The severity of your lost will depend on how severe if your wealth stars being cornered. Some spending is for necessity and some are not.

Many loses money because they are greedy and wanted to generate more wealth without knowing that their luck is running low and without knowing that their decision might be wrong. This is very true for those who lose lot money in their investments.

How can we know if we make the right decision in investments? Do our BaZi Four Pillars show any indications?

Very often our BaZi will provide some clues.

feng shui Bazi profiling on Multi millionaires who filed for bankruptcy.n
Chart 2. The first few years in his fourth Ta Yun.

2012- Date for Blessings.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

These are the dates to ask for blessing from the gods of heaven. The blessing is usually done in a temple.

Listed below is the auspicious date for blessing.

2012 - Should I invest in stock in 2012? Can I make a lot of money?

Friday, 27 January 2012

Almost every year, many of us have the same question. Should I do some investment this year? Will I make money? Or will I get burn?

To answer this question, you will have to look at your BaZi your Four Pillars of Destiny. For example, if 2012 shows high potential of you making a lot of money then no harm trying. You will not get burn. But if you see that your wealth luck is on the down side or your luck is gone do not try and challenge your luck. You will definitely going to lose your money.

Bazi – fengshui 2012 Investment in stocks
Chart 1. With these wealth stars, will he make money from investments in 2012?

2012 - Auspicious dates for Work Resumption.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

One of the reasons why many Chinese people emphasizes to resume work on a auspcious day after the Chinese New Year is because of its long holidays. The energy in an office or house, when left empty or unoccupied for more than a few days, will become stagnant. Therefore a good date is needed to rejuvenate its positive energy. To resume work on specific auspicious date is a very important step to enable us attracting most positive Qi for the whole year round.

Below are some suggested auspicous dates for you to select from. It helps to plan for your holidays trips with your family.

2012 - Your children's health in 2012.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Every year, we as parents are always concern about our children's health and 2012 is no different. One of the most frequent asked questions are "How is my daughter's health?”, "Will her health improve?", "Will my boy be sick" and etc.

There are so many books and online articles related to direct/indirect clashes and penalties with “Tai Sui”. It this clashes really very bad? Clashes do not necessary means bad. It means changes. Changes can be good and can be bad. If you get demoted than it is bad but it you get promoted it will be good. Good or bad will depend on the stars that are involved in the clash and their strength. Remember you have good and bad stars.

Bazi FengShui 2012  children health
She is having his BaZi's year pillar clashing with 2012's year pillar.

2012 - The first day of Chinese New Year.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Gong Xi Fa Chai 恭喜发财
祝大家 龍行天下、全年行大运、发大财、身体健康、万事胜意!

The most popular greeting is Gong Xi Fa Chai (Cantonese pronounces Gong Hay Fat Choy), which means "congratulations and make a fortune."

2012 - Starting Year Prayers on the second day of Chinese New Year.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

For all Chinese the second day is very important. Prayers are perform to ask for a success; flourishing and a prosperous new year. On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods. Listed here is the auspicious time for prayers.

Direction of Auspicious and Inauspicious gods on NEW YEAR day 23rd Jan 2012.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Listed below are Astrology, Feng shui and 2012 Chinese New Year auspicious and inauspicious gods facing directions for 2012. These auspicious dates are formulated from the chinese almanac or commonly known as Tung shu / Tung shing / 通勝.

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